
i know that feeling! last year, the headmaster actually kicked my classroom door during the lockdown drill, while jiggling and jerking on the locked door knob. i only hope he chose MY door for this aggressive acting because he knew my students were in PE at the time and only adults were in the classoom. it was very

omg, i also saw old yeller in similar circumstances in elementary school! except they brought everyone into the cafeteria, then played the movie on an old school projector, with big film rolls. we also watched swiss family robinson this way. it seems so strange now.

liev schreiber should try dress shields.

what would they think if they knew second grade students don’t even know the words to the pledge of allegiance?

great gowns! beautiful gowns!

this is a great comment!

i miss him already. obama for scotus!

or booger-flicking

well, in PADI speak, that sign means “everything is ok.” but in brasil, it is an obscene gesture that refers to sex. not sure if trump is a scuba diver, but i bet he’s been to rio.

i have learned a lot from you, professor brown, and will take this lesson to heart, as well. thank you, as ever, for the words of wisdom.

“You don’t stop being a parent when your child dies”

my mom immediately adopted her cookie recipe, too!

that uber driver’s comment. lol.

the right wing absolutely loathed hillary clinton when her husband first ran for president. the seething hate has been matched (and probably exceeded) only by their hate for obama. it was gut wrenching back then to see how they pilloried her throughout bubba’s presidency. however, it also gave hillary the chance to

i thought bubba looked better than i’ve seen him in a long time. kinda wishing for a version of the 2012 convention speech he made, but it was still a great night.

i had a cat who would gently bite your chin if you whistled. not a bite, really, more like putting his teeth on your chin.

i feel like the seated woman in the photo when looking at these pictures...

OHMYGOD! how unspeakably horrible! your answer to that doc was much more gracious than mine would have been.

that is awful! reminds me of a part of tig notaro’s comedy routine, live. her mother had died in the hospital, then a few weeks later, the hospital sent her mother a survey! they sent a survey to the person who had died there! tig said, it’s really simple, hospital. just keep two lists: dead people and alive people.