fucking ken fucking starr. when is that fucking fucker gonna fucking die already? ffs
fucking ken fucking starr. when is that fucking fucker gonna fucking die already? ffs
go, deerlady! you are awesome!
i am also a teacher and totally agree with you.
yeah, you have to be really rich to be $53 million in debt.
how could you forget ben dover! after all he’s done for you
IKR? that little downturn at the corner of the mouth.
kara! you’re on npr right now!!! brava!
that’s some serious chutzpah.
have to post here (again) one of my favorite dolly parton jokes.
cooks illustrated has an outstanding stir-fry recipe. they tell you in what order/for how long to cook the various ingredients so that everything is done at the same time, nothing raw or overdone, no matter what protein & veggies you choose, and the ginger sauce recipe is so tasty. you have to have a membership to…
geese are super mean! as a young child (a timid, calm, hands-to-myself child), i was randomly attacked by a goose while minding my own business somewhere in the vicinity of a pond. ever since, on the rare occasions when i have fois gras, i take special glee in being an apex predator. no apologies.
that’s a, uh, lotta side boob for the kid on the left there. i guess dance moms has moved the bar for children’s dance costumes.
i’m just relieved they aren’t bridesmaids!
i can’t emphasize this enough: if you care about women’s health and autonomy, vote for the demcrat, whoever that may be. EVEN IF the candidate fails to inspire passion. EVEN IF the candidate’s husband is a womanizer (or even a sexual assaulter). EVEN IF you’re sick of the sleazy stories.
Lead poisoning is no joke; neither are the side effects, which include skin lesions, hair loss, chemical-induced hypertension, vision loss and depression.