
my business with fedex indicates they would be no improvement over our current immigration enforcement. ups, now, they’d get it done.

that’s it exactly. as i wrote upthread, juries that are filled with imperfect drivers will make just this association, and not convict. therefore, why even bring the charge (according to my dad, who was a prosecutor with too many crimes to charge in a wildly overburdened justice system.)

yes, and also juries full of drivers are reluctant to convict when they can easily imagine themselves in the same situation as the defendant. or at least that’s what my former-prosecuter dad says.

this is very well put. maybe i understand your comment (when others apparently do not) because i took a disability studies class in school. it was a powerful course that changed my perspective about many things. thank you for writing such a thoughtful response.

black cats go with everything.

i will gladly attend his fourth wedding, and he doesn’t even have to pay me!

i have to exfoliate my legs with a spongy scruffy thing every day that i don’t shave, at least for the first week of not shaving. it’s almost as annoying as shaving. getting lasered does work, but it costs too much for me. i have a friend who’s done it, and now she just goes in for a touch up every 2-3 years. i think

not even then!

not terribly surprising in a country where so many nazis managed to hide out for so long.

ohmyfuckinggod that nytimes story. wtf.

I’m a smart women I have a high I.Q., I’ve been tested, I’ve been in gifted programs. So, I’m like, not a dummy.

it sounds like she has a thoughtful, empathetic, and sensitive mom as well!

yeah, that’s trickier even than the dreaded big questions. it might help to encourage healthy coping habits when she feels anxious, whatever the cause, since change is inherent to the human condition. i work with children a little older than your daughter, and i’ve found that just asking about and listening to their

lol! i too recently got a grown up coloring book, and i basically never finish coloring a picture, but at least i now have a use for the ridiculous supply of colored pens i have bought over the years.

congratulations! tokyo is really amazing! i visited there six years ago and loved every minute. my two favorite places to visit were: a tiny tiny sushi bar at the fish market (sushi at 10 am!), called daiwa sushi. had to wait in line for 90 minutes, but it was probably the best food i’ve ever tasted. and, a bar called

when i was growing up down south, we: ate popsicles & watermelon & drank iced beverages constantly; swam; went to the movies; strategically placed fans; moved around as little as possible (no fidgeting); stayed in the shade as much as possible; took summer vacations to the mountains in ga or nc. wrt sunburns, keeping

what kind of visa?

i would ask her a few questions before telling her what you think. try to figure out where she’s coming from, rather than assuming what her concerns are. maybe try, why do you ask? or, are you feeling worried or sad about something? having an idea of what is on her mind may give you some guidance in addressing her

pakistani bridal wear is drop dead gorgeous! this is a horrible photo and does no justice to the utter magnificence of the garment, but gives an idea...

with respect to “serious” as a modifier for “shade”...