
Boo-hoo! The eternal victim shtick is SO old, maybe make a movie worth watching and maybe you’ll win an award. But wait, let me guess, you couldn’t care less about “white people award shows”, right? Then why are you people always crying about not winning the awards if you don’t care? You’re not wanted. Just accept it

Sorry, not going to happen! You want all “assault rifles” banned and confiscated? Are you ready to do it yourself? I’m willing to bet that you aren’t. That is the difference between you spineless gun-grabbers and us gun rights supporters, us supporters are willing to fight and get our hands dirty, but NONE of you have

Reading this list and the comments makes it all too obvious why civilized people of all colors want nothing to do with 98% of blacks. And you wonder why as soon as blacks get enough money to “sell out” and move to a white neighborhood they do it? Stop wondering, the answers are right here. Good Lord, you “woke” blacks

Good luck with that. Even if that were remotely possible, it would just create an even larger black market than we already have. There are over 300 million firearms in the U.S., they aren’t going anywhere any time soon.

Haha! One team down, only 28, 29, 30....oh who cares how many teams left? I couldn’t care less about a bunch of wife-beating felons who can hardly string a coherent sentence together and who STILL don’t realize they’re only accepted as white people entertainment. They may as well be tap dancing with Shirley Temple.

Any educated white person wouldn’t use that word anyway. Just like any educated black person woul.....oops.

Are you people serious? Maxine Waters is useless, just like every other Democrat in this country. I don’t know why you can’t see the Dems are the cause of every problem the black community has. They have essentially bought the black vote with their government entitlement programs, giving welfare, foodstamps, and