
Creepy. Extremely creepy.

LOL ... I laughed my ass off. :-))) Thank you. ;-)

Awesome. *-*

Milk that golden cow. Muhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Cute artwork. :-D The game looks like a lot of fun.

Oh yeees ... let’ s produce more soulless 3D-animation. I love faces without vivid expressions. This will help. -_- Well ... if 3D is the future I hope animation completely disappears from this planet.

XD LOL Really funny.

XD hehehehehe ...

Yes. It’ s a big problem. Nintendo really screwed up here. :-(

So true. I sadly own such a bluff package. The amount of storage is definitely a bad joke and it honestly always was. What was I thinking ... :-))) I bought both MK8 dlcs, deleted all my other save data and now I hope I’ ll have at least enough space for the upcoming Zelda. Ugh! :-/

A handmade drawing of that size is so much better. Who needs stuff like that? ;-)