
Great article, but the one thing I didn’t quite get was the part about about Luchas not landing flat. It’s universal in training to land flat on your back with either legs or hips up and chin tucked. Plus whiplash was never a problem for a pencil-necked dork like me so I can’t see it being to much concern for stronger

Ok I can wrap my head around chicks fighting, but pooping? No thanks.

This is what happens when the meta commentary overwhelms the actual in ring product. Yes, sometimes we get the Summer of Punk out of it, but we usually just get people complaining about how it “should” be, when what they want is just hivemind fantasy booking. You don’t have to think it’s good, but don’t moan when it

I worked at GameStop for six years and we were always goaled on preorder percentage. It’s super easy to hit at least 50% unless it’s a big new title week, at which point no one cares. If you gotta lie to make those percentages, then you’re a total fuckup.

Aye chihuahua!

Paul Finebaum is that guy that would say he likes black people but hates niggers.