
Boomers want to keep driving because “car culture” lets you kill people with impunity as long as you “didn’t do it deliberately”.

Public transit would solve this, but no no no, you can’t have that. If you build a bus system for rich old white people, you’ll have to build busing for poor and Black neighborhoods.

Young people can’t afford oversized trumptrucks, they want small and efficient. They said that ten years ago, but the car companies didn’t listen. And now the car companies blame the consumer instead of taking responsibility for building what they can’t sell.

All of them.  All cars, all drivers.

When you’re not wasting $1500 per month on a car, plenty of places become affordable.

Explain Europe and India, both large with efficient rail networks.

You will never convince carbrained gas sniffers with facts because they get their uninformed opinions from car company propaganda that they willingly swallow. The only thing that will convince them is forcing it on them, finding out they were wrong after living with it.

I have yet to see a bicycle ad that encourages killing pedestrians that get in the way.

The inbred cagers that blame pedestrians who are killed are the same as males that blame women for their clothes or drinking instead of the males that raped them. It’s the same mentality, the same search for “perfect victims” that don’t exist. People are killed on sidewalks, and the inbred cagers blame them for being

 The inbred cagers that blame pedestrians who are killed are the same as males that blame women for their clothes or drinking instead of the males that raped them. It’s the same mentality, the same search for “perfect victims” that don’t exist.  People are killed on sidewalks, and the inbred cagers blame them for

That should read “are not stolen by governments and banks”.  I tried correcting it, but the change doesn’t display for me.

Wealth accumulation starts with home ownership, which Black people were denied after World War II while whites benefitted from cheap home loans. Rent is a bottomless pit of waste.

“Vehicles limited”? How about doing something that will actually change behaviour, like, I dunno ... mandatory annual retesting, year long licenses suspension, or IMPOUND AND CRUSH THE CAR.

Another “plan” designed by fuckwits that drive cars (they don’t walk, never mind ride) and never consulted any cycling groups.

Another design made by idiots that neither ride bicycles nor TALKED to cyclists. It displays all the ignorance and stupidity of males “deciding” (read: dictating) women’s health care without women’s involvement.

Now playing

If you’re bringing up older songs, there’s Nervous Norvous from 1956, “Transfusion”:

Now playing

For those ignorant of music from outside yanquistan:

What is that crap, blaming it solely on phones?

Of course they’re car brained. Car drivers have a greater sense of entitlement than white males. There is such a sense of entitlment that they can’t even grasp the idea of permanently denying a driver’s license to someone that drinks and drives. Tell them that driving is a privilege (which it is) and unsafe drivers

Spray paint at 2am would fix it.  So would caltrops.