
That you wouldn’t have included the race had you not believed they were white. You would have never said “those three black men” or “those three brown men”.

Well your suspicions were correct. White nuts act alone because its hard to find multiple people who take orders from the same toaster. Brown Muslim nuts on the other hand have plenty of company and they all take orders from the same magic book.

We do know. It was 2 brown men and 1 brown woman. Try to guess which religion...i’ll narrow it down...they weren’t Amish and they weren’t Buddhist.

And wheres the victim blaming for the attacks in Paris?

Now if only France had outlawed guns...

So what did the French dead have? Did America legally sell those Romanian AK-47’s to the killers in Paris? Because it was Muslim Extremists doing what they do best.

Do something about Muslim Extremists? Can’t blame the United States any more than you can blame France.

Actually it was insane Muslims. Apparently they murder people wherever people happen to be. But hey criticize a whole nation after a murder rampage. I’m sure France would get the same treatment. Wait...no. Just America.

Trump gave Muslims permission to be honest about it again? Oh you mean those evil white men who are all the same. Well this time it wasn’t evil white men. It was an evil brown muslim woman and two evil brown muslim men.

kind of like bassackwards is the alliteration for rural whites

Actually you mean two brown men and one brown woman. Honest mistake though. I’m sure you usually define the race of a criminal in every circumstance.

Those damn white Christian terrorists are getting sneaky, so sneaky in fact that they disguised themselves in brown bodies from birth and just to throw us off the trail, pretended to be Muslim from birth as well.

2 brown men and 1 brown woman actually. And they weren’t Amish.

Actually its been changed to “Muslim Extremist”.

It really doesn’t take that much machinery, and the machinery isn’t that complex. I program and operate that machinery and I’ve made everything from golf clubs to oil pipeline fittings. I could build 1500 assault rifles that are exact copies of current designs in a week from scratch with the help of three or four

Except that we do. Thats why everybody has heard serial killers are usually white men in their thirties, and spree killers are also usually white men. So it does get talked about quite a bit. But thanks I’ll take all the white privilege I can get.

Also it was 2 Brown men and 1 Brown woman. Sorry.

Damn Whites and their mass random murder sprees. When will they learn they can commit many, many more murders per year on an individual basis and be largely ignored, much like the other races.

White Privilege is so malevolent it now even effects Brown middle easterners.

Color those white men a different color. I’ll give you two guesses: