I ain’t come to play SEMANTICS
I ain’t come to play SEMANTICS
Brass knuckles took twelve years to make.
Thank you for your objective and reasoned discussion—”obnoxious pissant” is a nice touch.
I know you seem to be focused on the way white people experience their privilege and act upon it, consciously or not, but i’d caution you to not invalidate my experiences of ostracism simply because they aren’t perpetrated by white people.
Krishna is my middle name—my parents wanted me to have both white and Indian names.
That's always fun! Particularly the Kwik-E-Mart accent.
I’m a mixed-race “Asian-White” man (if Indian counts as Asian in this study) with a white-sounding name and a lighter complexion. As such, I am almost always assumed by others to be 100% white, and I take great pleasure in blowing their minds by telling them the truth and self-identify as mixed race every time.