White Kahn

I'd argue the 30 minute prologue was terrible, but Hammil's performance in "The Killing Joke" proper was fantastic.

Agreed. Greg was pretty upfront that Rebecca brought out his worst tendencies and he enabled many of hers. If they stayed together, one of them would've gotten hurt or hurt someone else. (Physically and mentally)

Yes, but he didn't get the big problem (her using him as a proxy for all the other men and not actually loving him) till the day before. Plus, he only had two weeks because she moved the wedding up without telling him because she felt bad for cheating on him. Josh isn't blameless, but Rebecca is clearly at fault and

Yeah I like how he's turned into the Spike of the gang.

They consider the episode where they see a play based on their exploits the series' "musical episode" which was insanely lame.

I know I don't love her politics, but being the only female who is part of the college football playoff committee won her points with me because while I know many fans, a woman has to be next level fan for people to respect her enough to say "we can't not put her on here".

Well thanks a lot A.V. Club for this new and weird fetish that I'll have to explain to my fiancee'.

Hell yeah on the CEG renewal! I gotta say, it's overwhelmingly strange to me sometimes that the CW went from my go to network for mockery to the network that I watch more than any other.

Didn't Pope Francis recently say that they went to Heaven? I think Francis has spent a lot of his time opening up who gets into Catholic Heaven and while he's by no means progressive, it's great not to be humiliated all the time by the faith I grew up in.

Just as legitimate as using them as middle school code for "has had sex", which the parents of my school were convinced of.

It takes a special kind of person to turn subjects like abortion into jelly bracelets.

They couldn't even make it a period piece? Like it's a prequel for the character we all know, but ignoring the fact that those movies already exist in relatively the present day?

Yeah, I was prepared for that to be terrible but I actually laughed a fair amount. Maybe they'll do like a cable and network release? Or charge extra for the "uncensored" version on itunes?

Like all of Trump's friends he's currently preparing for a cabinet position.

I'll be damned if he wasn't the funniest part of The Other Guys.

I'm incredibly jealous. I really hope the Founder is the movie where they finally give Keaton his "you've had a hell of a career" Oscar.

Not enough Michael Keaton for my liking! More Keaton in the next trailer please!

What a genuinely amazing person. This whole thing has hurt a few old friends of mine in ways I'm not going to get into, but it really is a bright spot in all this crap to see a famous Christian behaving famously Christianlike.

Once again, I couldn't agree more. I worked at a Gender's and Sexual Justice Resource Center in college and the strugglesmany of my coworkers had to deal with were so foreign to me as a straight cis white guy.

You're completely right. I meant it more as "I don't know why people are like this". The attitude towards queer people to play it for a crowd for their amusement or stay silent on the matter is honestly disgusting.