Mr. Whitehouse

You do realize the State of the Union, or the “relic of the past” as you put it, is mandated by the US Constitution Article II, Section 3? I suggest that if you are advocating going through the trouble of amending the Constitution to get rid of relics of the past we start first with the Electoral College.

I don’t like burger king...

I think this is going to be the main issue with his little “experiment”: by only going 1,800 feet up, his vantage point will not allow him to witness the curvature of the earth. Everything will still look flat. And he’ll come back down, and he’ll show his GoPro videos, and he’ll say “Look at how FLAT it is!” and all

He just accidentally turned on survival mode. This new feature of iOS 11 will assist you in starting a fire if you find yourself stranded in the wilderness.

Not only that, but once I accidentally left my garage open and found a letter on my door from the local police stating that the garage had been left open and should be closed when no one is home due to ease theft and/or entry into the house.

The first build is always the hardest, but not just for the obvious reason of you don’t know what you’re doing. Its also the hardest because you likely don’t have any spare parts lying around so you can swap them in to figure out which one is broken.

That first one is the same combination I have on my luggage!

Some might say they’re not in a hurry to do this.

Actually not all furries wear customs

God, i hate <type of person> so much. The stupid <part> on the <thing that person enjoys> makes me so angry for some reason. Plus when they go out in public <enjoying their hobby> and act like it’s completely normal and you’re supposed to think it’s cool.

150% through a holiday doesn’t strike me as through the nose, it strikes me as a standard rate for working on a holiday.

And yet, many places now have signs up saying they take bitcoin. A currency is entirely dependent on whether people take it as such. If you invent a currency tomorrow and convince at least one other person to take it in return for goods or services, it’s money. If you can convince someone to change your currency for a

Quite literally, in this case.

Actually Bitcoin is 100% secure if its stored correctly. My Bitcoin is stored offline meaning no hacker could ever get to it. Its called “cold storage”. If you don’t store your Bitcoin properly its your fault if you lose it. Its the first thing everyone should learn before buying Cryptocurrency.

“There’s nothing to stop whoever maintains your Bitcoin ‘wallet’ from stealing all your Bitcoins...”

You don’t seem to understand that exchanges are a thing. If I had 10,000 BTC in a wallet, I could sell them right now on Kraken or Coinbase or Exmo for ~$99.87m in USD, extract my cash and dump it into a checking account and literally have $99.87m. It’s not like your money is trapped in BTC or even in crypto. You can

Bitcoin isn’t going to fail because it’s made up out of nothing. All currency is made up of nothing; this was part of Marx’s argument and why capitalists saw the argument, realized it was in fact correct, and then took all the world’s currencies off the gold standard.

They actually did that because once the thing gets going the panels get so hot they expand and the fuel stops leaking.

My take on weight loss: The magic bullet is... There is no magic bullet. Since everyone is a fan of car analogies, what makes a car go? Hundreds, thousands of components, all working together. No single thing makes it go. Diet is useless alone. Exercise is useless alone. Eating healthy, small, frequent portions, plus