White Goodman

Because a watch and a cellphone are the same thing. You fucking moron, I’m not going to bother with you.

Don’t live there, don’t really care how it’s spelt, it gets the point across. Find something better to do with your time rather than making unfounded generalizations and correcting strangers on the internet. This is an anonymous comment thread on a blog post, not my masters thesis. Save your pedantry for the

Young adult. Been wearing watches since the first one my dad handed down to me when I was 15. Still buying them today. Not all kids are hipster losers from brooklynn.


Fine work indeed. Turned out he was right.

Remind me again how well you investigated this one ms masters degree from columbia

Easier to meet=/=justice. Theres a reason things need to be proven beyong a reasonable doubt before you potentially throw a person in jail.

So your career is more important than being sexually assaulted? More important than making sure it doesn’t happen to someone again?

The point isn’t what shes doing in her specific case, its the kind of precedent you’re setting. You can’t take legal action based on testimony that was contradicted by the person giving it, when that testimony is the only evidence that anything happened. It’s fucking ridiculous and you’re a terrible person for even

Nobody ever said it would be easy. But that’s what you have to do, that’s what the law requires you to do. Do you really not see the issue with locking people up based on something someone said?

He sounds like a nutjob

If that helps you sleep at night, sure believe that. I’m sure he sells it really well too. But on a side note, he doesn’t need game, he’s a professional athlete.

It works the other way around too, encouraging people to constantly turn themselves into a victim.

It’s so cute that you think that. Your husband is railing 21 year olds after every away game, guaranteed.

As long as we start alienating and shaming fat people too. On the street, inside the mcdonalds, at work. You want a sheltered fat area? Fuck no, stand here and take the abuse if you want to be fat and eat shitty food. Lets make their lifestyle so annoying and miserable to conduct outside of their own homes that it