
The Sense UI just adds a lot of flash and zing to Android, sometimes at your battery's expense. Things like the flip-clock (which I got rid of today, actually), the shape and animations of the bottom launcher, the weather animations upon unlock (which I also got rid of today...damn), some specific HTC widgets are

The Sense UI just adds a lot of flash and zing to Android, sometimes at your battery's expense. Things like the flip-clock (which I got rid of today, actually), the shape and animations of the bottom launcher, the weather animations upon unlock (which I also got rid of today...damn), some specific HTC widgets are

Oh, yeah, totally. I just mean if you end up getting bored with it. You can use a bootloader to have multiple ROMS (though I don't do this, personally).

A good idea is to buy a barebones PC to start with and build up. My current gaming PC was built on the foundation of a good HP Pavillion that only cost me $200 on e-bay. If you do this, you're usually only looking at having to buy a graphics card and maybe a beefier power supply.

This also explains why the next big thing in storage, CD drives, are usually D.

Good job on the rooting. Might I recommend one of the good HTC Sense ROMS? I've used Froyostone and am now using Darkstone on my HTC Leo. They are fun stuff. Very slick and pretty.

Hello, OpenThreaders. First of all, Happy Friday! Second of all, a question about XBMC:

I often find myself thinking I'd love to have an office job where I could decorate my area with video game / sci fi figurines and bobble heads and what not. I'm a teacher, however, and the less human I appear the better ;) So, at school, my desk area has a few sketches I've done hanging up on a file cabinet facing

There ARE people who definitely do those things. There are also people that don't. The commentators you are talking to are generalizing on one side. The article is generalizing on the other. Both are wrong.

There are so many things wrong with this article that I don't even know where to start. So, I won't. But it's wrong/generalizing in almost every single point it makes. It's like it was written by someone who has a friend of a friend who owned a console once. Are we sure it wasn't originally in the New Yorker?

Wow...this seems pretty awesome. I will miss my HTC Sense weather thing, though. Not so much because I need the weather as because I love the little effects when I unlock the phone (like icing on the screen during snow or raindrops and windshield wipers when it's raining). But, yeah...this is pretty cool.

Wow...thank you for writing this article and reminding me of this film. I saw it when it first showed up on IFC back in like 2002. Back then I didn't have any idea who Forest Whitaker was. Years later when he became the Big Deal he is now, I never connected the two. Awesome.

My bad, I didn't read your post carefully. Sorry about that.

At work (teacher - winXP PC):

Next step: Voltron.

I love AdBlock, but I voted for WoT just to give it some much-needed props. Also, AdBlock hurts your favorite sites unless you turn it off for them.

I just installed XBMC on my computer and holy crap...it is so amazingly hard to figure out how to do anything beyond playing media that is on my computer. I installed the Netflix app, but I cannot figure out to use it...or any of the apps. I don't even see an icon or menu item for them.

Be careful. As my MBA-having, self-made millionaire father-in-law likes to say, "Business degrees are a dime-a-dozen." He and I both speak in hyphenates, apparently. Anyway, I'm talking about of my butt here, probably, I've just heard that business degrees aren't as prestigious as they once were. Nowadays, they are

Working full time while in college is not really very difficult even with a difficult major, much less with one like photography, to be honest. I'd avoid the student loans as much as possible. If you do have to get one, then try to get a government one that has deferred interest and a low rate. I took out $30,000 for

I don't know...I'm of several minds on this. I'm pretty sure the author is making very little. I'm eager to give my favorite authors as much money as I can without being stupid (ie: I'll gladly pay $7 for a paperback, but I'm not going to buy a hardcover for $24). I'd rather have a physical copy of their stuff,