
My HTC Leo (windows phone, rooted with Darkstone Froyo Android ROM) rotates all 4 ways. I don't know if it would do this in Windows mode (I never run that). Anyway, my point is that I don't know if it's an HTC thing, a Leo thing, or a ROM thing.

Yeah, my endocrinologist has talked to me about getting a pump, but I'm pretty dead-set against it. I'm pretty active and hate the idea of having this thing attached to my body (I know you can take it off and all that, but I just don't like it). I also used to be fat until I lost around 75 pounds over the past two

Thanks! Don't tell my wife I told anyone yet!

Oh, as far as life emergencies like loss of a job, yeah, we keep a big emergency fund in the bank.

Oh, I was just teasing. I meant no offense. It just struck me as funny the way you put it.

Really? I have both my Chase cards set up to automatically pay their full balance every month. I haven't had to mess with anything since I set it up over a year ago. It took all of five minutes, too. I'm not sure of how it would be easier through a credit card website, if only because I can't see how it could get any

No, but you can set a list of favorite apps with pretty much all of the launcher apps. Also, holding down the Home button shows your recently opened apps. It's not exactly what you're looking for, I know, but it's something.

They still do it on Gizmodo. The one on Lifehacker was usually almost identical to the Gizmodo one, anyway.

Oh, also...I live in Texas. The only disasters I worry about are hurricanes, and I've got a few months before hurricane season. I usually make sure to keep a supply of bottled water and gasoline during that, at least.

I love that you implied that the workers demonstrations in Wisconsin are similar to the ones in the Middle East, lol.

Yes, I love that game! I need to get back to it.

—Give your speech to someone else ahead of time if you can.

If you already have an online account set-up with Chase.com, then:

My Weekend To-Do List:

I'm nearing the end of my contract with T-Mobile. When it ends, I'm intending to go to a month-to-month plan, probably, since I now have my own, rooted, Android phone. I really enjoy T-Mobile's customer service and price, but I tend to get a good number of 3G deadzones even though their map shows me being in a good

Not sure if this counts, but Web of Trust is great for keeping you away from dangerous sites.

Really? I mean...I'm not a Mac person (I build my own PCs, never had a mac), but it seems like they probably couldn't charge that much for a computer if they a) weren't good computers and b) the vast majority of consumers weren't willing to pay that much. It sort of just seems to me like Apple is a...ya

One time. I assumed it was per call, too, before I read the article because I couldn't imagine that outrage of the headline for a one-time fee.

Calling it insulting and petty MIGHT be a little hyperbolic. It's a buck...for a really nice app that lots of people want. We pay $5 for the (sarcastic airquotes)HD(/sarcastic airquotes) version of iPhone apps on the iPad, then get insulted at paying $1 for an app that is polished and useful?

Anyone know what clock app it's using? If it's real, I'd like it.