
I can't wait to use this on my high school students.

An office like this is my dream that will never be realized in our current home. Maybe when the kids go off to college...

Wow...this guide makes the game seem really awesome. I think I'll have to check it out.

Hmm...I would love this at my summer job, but I'm too much of a Chrome junkie to go back to Firefox, I think.

@sans_fi: As god-awful and insulting as it was, I have to agree. I think M. Night Shyamalan thought he was making something good. He just sucks at thinking.

The only movie on this whole list I saw was The Last Airbender, but holy crap was it terrible.

Hell yes to Cowboy Bebop :)


Oh, going to a party tonight at which Guitar Hero: Metallica and Goldeneye will both definitely get some group play.

I am leaving work right now and intend to play Halo: Reach for the first time this week. Saturday mornings is my main game time, as I get up around 7am and my wife sleeps in until near noon. I'll probably continue to work through the campaign on Black Ops or New Vegas during that time. She's going to a Pampered Chef

Qui-Gon Jin is the coolest character from Phantom Menace? Seriously? I didn't even realize he was a character. I thought he and Obi Wan were just props.

@kettlewhistle: I'm all about Kohls, myself. You can find some good deals there, too.

@jw: I can't imagine that, no.

@bonghammer: Yeah, and after X3 and Wolverine: Origins, I don't really have very high hopes for any X-Men related movies.

@Brian Rupp: I don't know your situation, but my D-Link router does just fine and cost $40 at Office Depot.

Yay, open-thread!

I miss college. I remember getting Microsoft Office (for XP) for $10 at the student bookstore. My wife got Windows Vista for $15 and Photoshop CS for $5. This is of course minus the student fees, but they didn't start those until my senior year and they were only $15 a semester (and I was only there for one semester

Google Reader, hands down.