
@dreadpirate15: Good job! Glad to see teenagers who actually care about their country. As a teacher of 17-18 year-olds, I almost NEVER see this.

Happy Friday!

@ithy-phallus: While I do pretty much always go mutas if I pull Zerg, I've never had them beat my voidray rush when I pull toss.

@Booshit: I agree with you to an extent, but in the ladder matches Starcraft I was like that, too. It was only in the wild, anything-goes custom games that it wasn't a rock-paper-scissors affair. Once the game comes out, there will probably be plenty of that, but right now all anyone does for the most part is ladder

@b-radicate: This is the proper attitude :)

Wow...just in time for me to get off for summer vacation (teacher). My last day of work is May 29th (a Saturday...wtf?), then I'm out of town from the 29th through the 31st. That just blows.

@zombies.like.lattes.too: Yeah, I love it. You have to have a lot of patience and not lose your temper easily. Kids can be pretty terrible. Also, you have to be ok with not making a lot of money; however, teaching is actually the highest paid job I could get with my History MA, unless I went to work for the CIA or

@grewal12: I still keep Giz, io9, and Kotaku in my Google Reader feeds, but I only comment on Lifehacker. Giz has been especially dickish lately in a number of ways. Kotaku is fine, but it seems like most of the posters there are 12, and I just have nothing to say on io9.

@Buster Friendly: most of the editors there seem sort of terrible. I totally agree with you (well, I didn't really see a problem with the iPhone4 leak, so I guess not TOTALLY agreeing). Of course, I'm still sore at Adam Frucci for taking away my star for asking if his stupid dead mouse usb drive would blend...

@Gary-the-Banana: Hmm...I misspoke. I wrote a Master's Thesis, not a Doctoral Dissertation. Don't know what I was thinking.

@icecreamman: Check out ecommons. It's a service a lot of universities use for posting theses and dissertations online and is open to the public.

@Mr_Bloggerific: Not an app, per se, but I miss the "Down Them All" add-on for Firefox. I switched to Chrome a few months ago and that is the only add-on I miss. I also miss using Pandora at work, since it got blocked last year.

@Gary-the-Banana: Yay, dissertations! I remember the day I defended mine, a few years back (wow...three years almost to the exact day...craziness); very nerve-wracking. Good luck!

@seandavid010: I don't mean to alarm you, but that sounds sort of like symptoms that a diabetic might suffer. It's probably nothing of the sort, but it might be a good idea to have your sugar tested. I never knew I had diabetes until I went in for unrelated surgery and they tested my blood sugar as a matter routine,

@zrag: I raised a chocolate lab in an efficiency apartment, from puppy to 3 years-old. LOTS of trips to the dog-park, plus training her to not bark unless there was actually someone sneaking around outside. It's turned out to be a useful bit of training, too.

@zombies.like.lattes.too: My mom bought me a puppy right before I left college for graduate school. I have a feeling that the prevention of hedonism was part of her motive, though the main motive was her precognitive ability to foresee that I would soon be breaking up with my girlfriend and be all alone in a new city.

@FreeChaos: I just want to say, you sound like a good kid. I teach 17 year-olds, and I count on one hand the number I think would willingly make such a sacrifice.

@Phoshi: excellent! Two more weeks!

@Buster Friendly: I like frozen margaritas with sugar on the rim, but it's pretty embarrassing to order such a thing.