
@Jessup: This may or may not apply to you, but for me it was losing weight. I used to snore a lot. Then I lost 50 pounds. Now I don't snore. I wasn't really a very big guy, either. I don't know if that's your issue, but it's something to think about.

@chris0089: $150 is really not realistic. Anytime you buy an electronics item and then sell it used, you should never expect more than maybe 60% of the original price, unless it's a hugely hot item (say you were selling a used Nexus One or iPad, for instance). I just did a quick e-bay search for iPod Nano and came up

@r0n0c: It was last year for me, but Google Calendar has made a huge impact on my productivity. I know there are more robust sites/programs for to-do, but I really love GC, especially with how seamlessly it integrates with my Android phone.

@Bonsai_halcyon: I recommend the documentaries. There are some good ones, there. Carrier is especially good, if you haven't seen it.

Happy Friday, OpenThreaders! I've been absent from the Open Thread for awhile - April is a hectic month for me as a history teacher, with TAKS on April 30th and the AP exam on May 7th. Heck...I'm even coming in on a Saturday, tomorrow, to give a practice AP test.

Totally agree with Adam, here. I only get 1 dvd at-a-time, anyway, and I use that 1 dvd for TV series almost exclusively. Most of what I do with Netflix is the streaming, so this is a solid win for me.

I awoke this morning to find that my wife had gotten me Red Steel 2 for my birthday. Frickin' sweet!

@wjglenn: I see. This seems...100% pointless, but I see.

@masonsturtle: In the case of HDMI, there is NO difference. It's not like with audio cables, where it's about whether you are an audiophile or not. With an HDMI cable, it's 0% or 100%.

This is beautiful. I was explaining to my father-in-law just the other day about the whole ridiculous HDMI cable thing.

My immediate thoughts:

Articles like this worry me about upgrading to Windows 7. It seems like I'm always reading about clever workarounds to do things that are just "drag-and-drop" on XP and Vista, such as this.

@rotechi: Yeah, I tried it out just out of curiosity after the stories about it not being attempted at this year's Pwn2Own contest, but the speed and simplicity is what snared me. I'm now at home, setting it up on my HTPC/GamingRig.

@fisheradam: Oh, I love my keyboard. Bluetooth, superthin, long battery life.

@gmrple: Yeah, the national pass-rate for it is typically around 50% or less, making it statistically the hardest AP exam there is (though I would say that it depends on aptitude - I thought the Calculus was harder).

@fisheradam: Cool. I'm using Speed Dial as my homepage, now. I love the look of it. Can't wait to see it on my 42" at home.

@whiteflea: So, holy crap...why have I not been using Chrome? I've only been using it for like 10 minutes and I'm already in love.

So, I think I'm going to try jumping on the Chrome bandwagon. I just downloaded it and got it setup on my work computer. I'm going to miss some of my favorite extensions, though hopefully at least some of them have a Chrome analog.

@gmrple: 11th grade US History, on-level and Advanced Placement