
And school is now out. Time to play on the Internet until 3:20, then it's time to weekend!

@nczuma: Stupid question, but are you certain that your capture card supports Digital TV? A ton of them (even new ones, for some reason) don't.

@whiteflea: And I'm fairly certain that not eating any salt would be very bad for you. There is a reason it used to be used for money.

@Bonsai_halcyon: According to wikipedia, which is never wrong: "Centered around commonly available modern foods, the "contemporary" Paleolithic diet consists mainly of meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, roots, and nuts; and excludes grains, legumes, dairy products, salt, refined sugar, and processed oils."

@Buster Friendly: Awesome. Thank you for the information. I will be trying this this evening after work and workout.

@Skid-Vicious: To answer your question, it's a Logitech. And as far as the led goes, it's a trackball, though I don't know if it uses an led to follow the movement of the ball or if it uses wheels or something. Either way, I'm not getting crazy movement. I'm getting the trackball not allowing any input (no movement,

@TheFu: I wonder if perhaps the vibration has shaken something loose inside of the device itself. I'm a pretty handy solderer...it might be worth taking the trackball apart and checking all the connections.

@TheFu: hmmm...interesting. I would probably have to go online to find a wireless trackball (a mouse won't work here), but that's a definite idea. As far as vibration goes, only trackball is sitting on the treadmill. The computer it's attached to (via USB, as you guessed) is a few feet away on top of an armoire.

@Buster Friendly: Cool, cool. If I do this and want my network to be secure, would you recommend going back to WPA encryption, or just doing as you said up above and turning off the encryption and disable the SSID broadcast (which I'm unsure of how to do, but I'm sure I can figure out)?

Another tech support question, sorry.

@Buster Friendly: cool, that's exactly what I was thinking. I'm pretty certain I'm going to package up the router and adapters tomorrow morning and make a field trip to Office Depot. Hopefully, I can convince them to give me store credit for them since I probably won't be able to find receipts for more than one of the

@Goldwings: I have a PS2 slim that my father-in-law gave me because he had two. I'm a pretty big Nintendo and PC fanboy - I have NES, SNES, N64, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance SP, Gamecube, Wii, DSlite, gaming PC and the PS2.

@Buster Friendly: Would you guess, then, that the only reason the tech support guy had me switch to WEP is that he couldn't figure out what was wrong and was just trying to give me a slightly different solution than before?

@GuimiAlfaro: I know nothing of Satio, but I personally can't even comprehend why someone would by a smartphone that didn't use Android or isn't an iPhone. I guess I can see some of the reasoning behing Blackberries, too, but otherwise it just seems...I don't know...counterintuitive.

@Buster Friendly: That would allow anyone in my vicinity to leach off my network, though, right? And to access any shared folders or printers? I don't really think my neighborhood is full of hackers, but I would fully expect someone to use my free Internet. I know the phone number is a bad password, but it's not one

@bjarnia: Yeah, I'm able to use it with some limitation. I typically run for about 5 minutes and then walk for 10, over and over. I do more clicking and all that during the walking. Catching up on my GoogleReader feeds is pretty easy with it, as it's fairly simple to hit the Pagedown key while running. And of course

@Bonsai_halcyon: That sounds awesome. Is the running over pavement or cross-country? I can't really run on pavement much anymore since screwing up my knee, but don't have a problem with dirt and grass.

So, I've been stewing and being all angry about a tech problem for awhile and it just now occurred to me: Open Thread!