
@Zombie Ms. Skittles: Congrats on going back to school. We've missed you here in the Open Thread the past few weeks, too.

@chris0089: I don't really know much about this, but I notice when watching a DVD with VLC that to turn on subtitles, you "open a subtitle file," or at least I think that's right. So, it would seem to me that there must be a subtitle file buried somewhere in the DVD and that you might be able to copy that. I'm not

@Nitesh Singh: Well, there are basically two schools of thought...

@comodidit: That's awesome. My next tattoo was going to be a triforce, but my wife doesn't like tats so I decided against it........FOR NOW!

@kirbypuckett: I've been having nothing but problems with my D-Link router and adapters and I'm planning on taking them back and getting something else.

This week I...

All about the GoogleCalendar, especially since it syncs perfectly with my Android phone. I sometimes like to use it in the "Agenda" view, though, which is more like a to-do list.

I set up a computer in front of my treadmill. The book-rack is the perfect size for a keyboard, and a trackball mouse fits just right over one of the cupholders. I haven't tried to do any work with it, but it's been quite excellent as a method of keeping me running/walking for a long time without the mental fatigue

@TheFu: Aye. The computer chair that I used for my entire bachelor life was bought at a used office furniture store for $45 when I was 16 years-old. It was mega-comfortable. Now, I mainly use a computer while sitting in my leather recliner, which was inherited and thus free.

If my damn copy of Civ IV finally arrives in the mail, I intend to play that whilst dying of hypoglycemia on my treadmill (I have my old gaming rig set up to be usable while running/walking on my treadmill - it's pretty awesome, but potentially dangerous).

Haha, success! I've found the square inch of my classroom where I can get 3G! Arg...nevermind, it was only 3G for a few seconds then went back to Edge... :(

@_method: I can't recommend enough buying a used chair from a used office supply store. I can't fathom spending hundreds of dollars on a chair when you can get a very nice, comfortable, albeit worn-looking one for <$100.

@bradL: I try to blow mine out every 6 months or thereabouts.

@TunaFish: I mean no offense, but why on earth are you buying a WinMo phone?

@Raiderboy23: My reply is that you can easily get a PS2 for $50, so it's not that huge a risk.

@Dilpickle1: I absolutely hated working for Universal Computer Systems in College Station, Texas, but...umm...on second thought, no, don't do that.

@y0urm0msname: Oh, I realize that NPR is FM, not AM, but seriously...it's so much better than anything on the AM dial (at least where I live).

@y0urm0msname: I LOVE NPR. In particular, I listen to "Morning Edition" from 6am to 7am (CST) every morning on my commute, "BBC News Hour" (3pm to 4pm) and "All Things Considered" (4pm to 6:30pm) during the other half of my commute, and "Car Talk" on Saturday mornings.

@Pobre: Check out the reviews of both online and go with that. Personally, I found the Droid to be a bit too big for comfort (I'm thinking a woman with smaller hands would probably feel even more that way) and the keyboard was more annoying to use than the touchscreen keyboard on my MyTouch, so I would probably go