
@dreadpirate15: When I first read this, I thought it said you were doing your Master's Thesis and I was like "What crappy grad school are you going to that doesn't teach you how to research!"

@robert_m: I mean, regarding the whole contract thing, you answered your question. Yes, you can buy ANY phone without a contract, but it costs more.

@JayUnreal: Rattata or whatever the hell it was called. And Niderino!

@bilk: The price difference between 20" and 22" is not great enough to stop me from going to the 22", if I wanted to do such a thing. You might consider waiting for a good sale, though. Keep an eye on the Lifehacker/Gizmodo deals of the day and Woot. Newegg also sometimes has some good deals and you have to dig a

@Hassun: the article sort of reads like it's news or something. I guess they are just explaining why Bioware says there are two (even though Bioware's answer isn't entirely true, seeing as it's not new), but I got the impression that this was some sort of news.

@UberScytheLord: and in Star Wars D&D before that, and Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game before that.

The whole multiple classes of Sith and Jedi thing has been around for a LONG time in the pen-and-paper world of Star Wars gaming. I'm surprised that anyone found it surprising.

@gauden44: I really, really disapprove of this mainly because of the good work for the world they are doing over at the Music Genome Project, but if you really want to record Pandora you can use an app called Pandora's Box, or at least so I've heard.

Yay, open thread! TGIF

"Before we go any further, let me get this off my chest: I don't like Star Trek. I find it cheap, I find it boring. There's too many bland characters spending too long saying nothing, and it relies too much on nonsensical techno-babble to propel its plotlines."

@Lythium: I'm pretty schizo when it comes to gaming, so I'd say that never finish like 75% of my games, if not closer to 90%. It's usually not due to difficulty, but just getting tired and moving on to something new. Even an amazing game like Fallout 3, I eventually tired of it right around getting level 20 and could

@Y-bot: Currently playing:

@High Speed Indeed: If you didn't think Twilight Princess was an incredibly awesome game, then I really just don't even know how to talk to you.

@Pheermee: I remember as a kid, there was always some little a-hole on the playground that claimed he had shot that damn dog on Duck Hunt. We all wanted it to be true, too.

@Scotsdale: I would LOVE to see Goldeneye released on virtual console, but Microsoft would never allow such a thing. I'm sure they will eventually do it on XBLA, though, especially if Perfect Dark is popular enough.

@Lokno: Final Fantasy IX had an excellent airship chase, if that counts. I think that was more like 2003, though.

"Listen" is a good podcast app for Android devices. I don't know if that counts for this or not, though.

@Ueziel: Umm...I've beaten the game at least half a dozen times. At early levels, gear is totally irrelevant.