
I've been using WMC for my HTPC for awhile now and am enjoying it. Truthfully, it's pretty much just being used for Netflix and DVDs, though.

@ri59: That's not an Android phone or an Android browser.

Wow...I've been wanting this since the day I got my Android phone. Awesome.

Voted $5-10, because I easily get books in that range in perfect condition used or even brand new in paperback (a paperback is typically $7). The only time I would ever pay more than $10 for a book is when it's something I HAVE to own, in which case an e-book wouldn't be sufficient anyway.

@LastAndLeast: There are bacterial as well as viral warts. I got one on my foot specifically from walking around my dorm barefoot.

"The next time you go out for a run, try leaving your shoes at home. Proponents say it'll give you a better stride, stronger calf muscles, and... well, a bunch of callouses."

@enaero: FFVI isn't holding your attention? Are you dead inside?!

@Slagathorian: Looks to me like that guy probably just risked his life for her and put her on his horse and now she's about to go riding off and leave him to die.

@Ashurahori: When it doubt, if it's a Nintendo product, blow on it.

@Mrmirakle: that's part of what makes it fun, if you ask me. Playing it on co-op adds a whole new dimension because now you not only have to beat the game, you also have to either cooperate or help your fellow players. Playing it with my fellow gamer friend was awesome because of the almost telepathic synergy we got

@battra92: Penny-Arcade did an excellent comic about this:

@maxtothez: ahh, that was a good one. Using that bridge as a sword was a nice touch.

@Pheermee: Probably when I finally beat Ganon in the original Legend of Zelda. I beat my head against that game for years as a child, then came back as an adult and finally beat it. Very rewarding.

@NeöStarr: "Travis reappears at the bottom of the UAA ranks"

@Scotsdale: Yeah, definitely. My Wii actually has had pretty constant use by my wife ever since we got Wii Fit last June; however, I play it in fits and starts. The most recent instance was when my little cousin came over and wanted to play Twilight Princess. After watching him play, I was compelled to start a new

Looking forward to this. I'm planning on ripping my entire DVD library to an external hard drive, but I'd love for something that would conveniently find box covers, descriptions, etc. and append them to the files.

@Reavyn29: I just got a DS lite, finally. I can't see why on earth I would want the DSi. It doesn't seem to be an improvement in any way that matters at all and is just more expensive.

@nka: Babbler, not Babblier, sorry.

Sounds like an excellent review method. I look forward to this.