
@lilyHaze: I guess real IMAX...there's a fake IMAX? I saw Matrix: Reloaded there when it first came out and it looked plenty IMAXy to me.

@grewal12: buying the tickets on Fandango as we speak...err...type.

Sorry to keep making threads, but I keep thinking of new things to share. An article on Lifehacker earlier this week gave the great suggestion of using one-letter keywords for your most commonly used bookmarks. In Firefox, you can then hit F6 to select the location bar, then the letter for the keyword, then hit enter.

@AsWater: The box doesn't sound like a terrible idea if you can afford it, but it sounds like you can't. To move my 42" hdtv, we just gave the tv it's own vehicle to ride in, padded and supported by numerous blankets, screen up.

@jeremiah89: Upon closer inspection, I CAN edit my comments, just not the one that was promoted by a star commenter. That actually makes a lot of sense, come to think of it.

I'm kind of excited about going to finally see Avatar tomorrow. Wife and I are shelling out the big bucks to see it in 3D IMAX, even though I have a sneaking fear that she'll get motion sickness and have to leave.

@themexicangamer: what version of Firefox? It could be that you have either too new or too old a version. Could also have to do with your various plugins for Firefox not being up to date. If you can't figure it out, get the IEtabs add-on and then you never have to worry about compatibility issues again. You can even

@jeremiah89: You also can't edit your posts, or at least I can't. I noticed some mispellings when re-reading one of mine and wanted to fix them and couldn't. This change and the one you mention seems to have happened in the last 10 minutes or so...arg...like I would know Bonsai said if I had seen his comment before

@Nitesh Singh: Yeah, that's definitely smart. I'm just addicted to caffeine and need something during my 5:45am, 1 hour commute five days a week. I was diagnosed with diabetes (which is funny, seeing as I've lost around 40 pounds since last summer and am in better and better shape each day) and my diet coach told me

@retrac: I'm not going to beg for it back. I replied to my comment and said that what he did was ridiculous and left it at that. If that's the attitude of their editorial staff, then I can always go waste my free time elsewhere.

@xkl: cutePDF is where it's at for the first one.

@terabitten: I find google docs to be pretty good, personally.

@Nitesh Singh: Nice. I did this last year at work, but I've recently started drinking both since I cut out diet sodas (well, all sodas, but I didn't drink regular ones anyway).

Oh my, a Chocolate Lab! My dog and the second most important thing my life is a chocolate lab. Awesome.

@Slagathorian: Oh, man...I forgot that I have a tree out back that grows PSPs. What was I thinking?!

@ARCH_27: Thanks...I really should have thought of that...

@Slagathorian: Fuck me! First, I played for 45 minutes only to find I needed a PS1 memory card. So I bought one, waited a week for it to arrive in the mail, played again for another half hour or so, and found that the memory card doesn't work! ARGH!

@Slagathorian: Oh, I've done FFT before. I played it back when it first came out. I just bought a new copy of it recently and started playing it again (I had to go buy a PS1 memory card and haven't had time to play it since I got that, so I guess I technically haven't started - I played about an hour before realizing