Beautiful game you got there.
Beautiful game you got there.
I married an X’er so I did my part.
Tyler Labine!
SixixNineine. If anyone tells you otherwise you know they’re a credulous sap.
Ah gotchya, thanks for the info!
The center seat thing...why isn’t this just how semis are made. How often is that passenger seat actually occupied?
Can’t Bill James’ rationale be used to also take down owners a peg or two?
That seems more dignified than my 34 year old out of shape ass running 4 blocks ahead of the bus falling in a crosswalk twice in a row, gasping for someone to stop that bus and then get on dripping blood, out of breath, disheveled as hell and then picking up lunch from Panera fucking Bread Company cause they had a…
I had the same exact scabs on my hands but that was because I fell chasing after a bus I left my wallet on. I got my wallet and some cool stigmata so alls well that ends well.
One of the most corrosive aspects of gaming culture is the vapid demand to have everyone else in the world validate your preferences in entertainment.
Yes, I can see it now, 22 year old Lebron making inroads...
Nah fuck that. SixixNineine for life.
I have never seen a more daft rubric for adulthood in my life.
Indeed, why drink vodka in the first place?
Wonder how the SCOTUS ruling concerning sports betting will impact other gambling adjacent things.
Blood Bowl and MTG folks are people. These companies need to see themselves as game companies now, not material goods sellers.
Yup, none of the major 4 sports got anywhere without cultural inertia and serious people wanting to make some money with it. It’s there for the taking game companies, GO!
Cause lost in your pursuit of decadence you failed to realize that there is a time and place for simple, common things.
Why have a sipping glass of cordial when you can get drunk and diabetes simultaneously?
I’d like to see the world where Dems just full stopped trying to win elections circa 1988 and went for pure ideology pleas and excluded everyone and anyone who didn’t measure up to their litmus test. It would be fascistnating.