White Deer

And JT can eat shit too.

Commercial viability? Oh no! Janet, living in supreme comfort with her millions, hasn’t been able to earn more millions! Rich people problems aren’t problems, you ruling class shill.

Dems been redbaiting since the DNC hacks. Hillary Clinton desires conflict with Russia. And if you think Syria isn’t a proxy war you’re sleeping.

How about the god damn Podesta emails also? They both fucking suck so maybe focus on both (Hill-Trump, the real Demogorgon) for fuck’s sake. Fuck.

Yes, Sparrows, yes, yes, yes.

So, rather than attempt to discuss the fact that he was essentially calling out the Dems and MSM for red-baiting (Hill claimed Russia without providing proof), you just make fun. They made fun of Hitler for his oratory style and look what happened. Stop with the “Today, overstuffed sausage Donald Trump...” type shit

It’s “Pulitzer.”

Lol WaPo

Duke Nukem 3D

I would say Tenchu and Baldur’s Gate II had the biggest hand in the early shaping of my psyche. Now if only From Software could develop a new Tenchu title!

Tremendous fun. It’s like Mario Kart without weapons. The only negative is that players tend to engage in bumper cars, both intentionally and unintentionally, at the start of the race. Consequently, it can ruin any notion you have of attaining 1st. But that’s GTA for ya.

From the start of Jon’s battle, it almost looked like he was being ignored by the rest of the combatants. This made me wonder if perhaps he was being shielded by R’hllor in some way (not entirely obviously). Take the charging cavalry for example, totally bypassed him.

While BG2 was my introduction to D&D, NWN sealed the deal. I spent just as much time with the editor as I did with the campaign, and it was the editor that demanded I expand my D&D knowledge because I had hopes of creating my own persistent world. One of the greatest games of all time, and I recommend to anyone who

If they present a new Tenchu I will fall on my knees and weep tears of joy. The first series I fell in love with.

The anesthesia is working. Everyone is drunk on the historical implications of the First Female Nominee, evident throughout this thread. So blinded to the fact we now face another general election pitting one evil against another, and the only deliberation being “Which is lesser?” And for those of us who support

The problem with littering is that the punishment doesn’t fit the crime. Perpetrators need to be placed in a situation where nature can exact vengeance. Perhaps placement in bear or wolf territory, or a remote rain forest. Because what else is going to happen? A fine that their parents will pay?

Starship Troopers—Let me preface by saying I haven’t read the book, but I cherish the film. And I may be more open to a reboot rather than a remake, but I think it’s critical to get a director who wouldn’t make it a ridiculous CG-packed Michael Bay Big Hollywood blowout. We’ve all seen what amazing things can happen

I think someone who develops their own lightsaber form is too bad to the bone to allow themselves to fall to their death. Mace lives in my book.

Brave Fencer Musashi holy fuck. Had a demo on my PS1 and it was super fun from what I remember. Let us also revere Astal from Sega Saturn dayz.

Don’t feed the troll.