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    They’re also built like a tuna can.  I certainly wouldn’t want to be involved in a significant crash in one.


    Or an Audi.

    Ben...Ben Wyatt?!?  Is that you? 

    This guy gets it!

    I thought it was already confirmed.  Toyota and Subaru are even further in cahoots now so I’ll take that bet.

    This....all day. I could give two shits about the Supra. It’s the GR Yaris that now haunts my dreams.

    Is that you Hank?

    Agreed, but the proportions on this thing are just a bit too odd.

    It might also be that they’re not the most attractive beast in the stable.  From the rear overhang to the weird second door thing, it’s just not very good looking.

    This guy knows what’s up.

    “Hence why it feels like every BMW driver is driving without ever using their damn turn signals.”

    Now now, I’m pretty sure he still owes all of us an apology.

    If this badger’s any relation to the Honey Badger, that coyote better watch the fuck out!

    I think you’re mistaking it for Red Bull.

    I know...strange isn’t it??

    What’s wonderful is the unconventional shape of the thing.  It will fit into stereo cabinets so nicely.  /s

    The Yaris GR would like a word with you...

    Username checks out.