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    There’s plenty of options in that regard.  I’ve been using one for years (Image Resizer for Windows).

    Comment of the day!  All the Warriors hate is understandable if you aren’t a Warriors fan but you have to respect the fact that aside from KD, this is all “home-grown” talent.

    That’s because soccer is boring in and of itself.

    My Coleman Classic has been going strong for over 25 years now!  My folks bought it for our car camping escapades and I inherited it after college.  Just used it three weeks ago in Point Reyes!

    My Coleman Classic has been going strong for over 25 years now!  My folks bought it for our car camping escapades

    And it was never a badass doing anything other than schlepping kids around.

    What Subaru do you own?

    You get a non-turbo hood!

    It would be nice if we could start by getting people to stop driving with their PARKING LIGHTS on!

    Or just swapping in an STi ECU if you’re happy with ‘04 STi levels of power.

    My apologies to the Multipla...what a beautiful soul.

    While the Actyon may be a mish-mash of design aesthetics from many different sources, it in no way compares to the heinousness of the Multipla.  The Actyon looks like a car.  The Multipla looks like a wide-eyed guppy fucked an MPV.

    Judging by the stars, I think the bad taste may fall on you my friend.

    Which is exactly why it’s so good.

    Legos > Alien butt plug, regardless of the pain of stepping on them in the middle of the night, trust me, I know that shit firsthand.

    Plus, it’s France...it’s practically encouraged!!

    The Multipla is FAAAAAAR uglier than the Aztek.  Not even close!

    Original Multipla...Good!

    The AWD was also crap compared to Subaru’s (Volvo’s...not so much).

    Baby Bronco you say?...

    Seriously, the first requirement listed was a manual tranny.