
Found this for you.

Ya it looks like rotten leaf lettuce...


I gotta admit, I smiled and chuckled at that first line. Thanks Bashcraft for making me look like a creeper on the Tokyo train.

That egg on toast looks fucking divine.

Thereis a reason why food isn’t often made black; it looks disgusting and unappetising, as that Burger clearly demonstrates. That poached egg on toast looks delicious, but please, Japan, cool it with the damned black food.

They do look really unappetising... That poached eggle on’toast though... that I could go for!

A lot of Japans “special” burgers seem to be black. I think they just can’t cook. :p

At this point I’m more surprised if a special edition burger doesn’t at least have black buns.

Well, there are worse things it could look like:

Shit man, those are some crappy puns.

That’s disappointing to hear. Going by your comparison it probably tastes the same as the local build-a-yogurt places closer to me, which don’t hold a candle to Red Mango.

Yeah it's tough to be working in the animation industry almost anywhere wether its traditional cel or CG based, as most of these animation houses basically operate with a sweatshop mentality. Grueling work with tons of insane deadlines. When you see a very intricately animated show, makes you appreciate the process

That's 35,000-105,000 yen in Japan give or take as the yen is never stable. And in Tokyo, you're lucky if you find an apartments rent that is 50,000, and bills will probably take 20,000 yen and he gets to live with the rest which I assume is so little. I think he lives outside Tokyo, and has to wake up early every day

Thank you for this post.

I really respect him. He has amazing drive to move to another country to pursue his dream and even make it, though the pay is shit. It takes a lot of guts and motivation, not to mention skill and talent to get as far as he did.

Now playing

Paranoia Agent: Episode 10 was the best one for this, in my opinion.

Damn, didn't know they had it so tough. Goes to show there's hardly a "dream" job out there.