
Not just medical professionals either - when a similar storm was predicted last year, an acquaintance who writes for the Wall Street Journal was asked to spend the night in a hotel across the street from her office!

Ha! My grandma in California called me in a panic yesterday - “I heard you’re getting two feet of snow! Are you going to be okay? Do you have snow gear? Do you have enough water if the power goes out?”

Now hear me out and it’s completely possible (err... likely) that I’m wrong, but wasn’t everyone stockpiling Siracha sauce 2 years ago because the manufacturers were shutting down? How did they go from that to mass-producing it in mini form?

Awww, I kinda just wish they had let him go free after that. Poor lil’ guy.

T-Pain always says it like it is, and I respect that in a tweet. #ugotshirts

Dafuq is “retro-swing?” Does Raya actually enjoy classic swing jams from back in the day, or is this some horrible new genre that mashes Duke Ellington with dubstep?

Theory: Yoko only tweets when she's partying with Snoop.

Theory: Madonna asked a Lady Gaga’s costume designer to make her something risqué that also allows her to embrace her love of daisies and/or Hannibal.

Mad props to Jamie Foxx. I couldn't even save a burning quesadilla from the oven today.

She sounds badass, and I love that she took the time to write that 13 year old back with genuine advice. What an icon!

Normally these days I associate Cher with that scatterminded Twitter account, but she seriously deserves major props for doing this!

Ugh. Just ugh. Sending my best thoughts to the victims’ loved ones.

I’ve been watching “The Great British Baking Competition” on Netflix. Fun accents, mindless entertainment, and pretty cakes. <3

Would go for the biscuits.


But does Anne throw a pizza on the roof?

Paul Ryan: The Man Who Never Claps

“When Russia beat us to space, we didn’t try to deny it. We didn’t hire scientists to disclaim the validity of that fact. Instead, we put our best and brightest together and built a space program, and 12 years later we were walking on the moon.”

I mean... DAMN GIRL!!!!!