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This reminds me of when Sarah Palin got pranked thinking she was talking to French president Sarkozy and he asked her about her Nailin Palin porno.

He also was on ALL the men’s sides during #MeToo. It was horrific. 

Can we all be done with Bill now.


Omg thank you for clarifying. I was going down a shame spiral thinking “Did we already have this birthday conversation once? Is my brain officially broken now?”

Jinni lives in Marin?? How did I not know that?

Omg that’s hilarious. I had ALWAYS wanted to eat there (Blue Bayou) since I was a kid so when I finally went as an adult, same time frame as you, early 2000's I was horrified. Yes only like 5 things on the menu. I had the pasta. Barf.

My worst dining experience EVER was at the Blue Bayou in Disneyland (that one you go by when you’re in the boats in Pirates of Caribbean...)

God that sounds good. This keogenic eater does NOT thank you!! =)

I was going to say, if Melrose Place makes me an old, then I’m really screwed for remembering TJ Hooker! =)

And Avenatti turned down his request to be his first guest.

Are we sure about that

Too late. 

You’ve just changed my life. #BestOfNextdoor

And there’s also the Muslim brotherhood half of the tweet that didn’t exactly sound great either...

I posted this out to her on Twitter a couple of weeks ago and she blocked me. 

I’m horrified that for just a little while there I was slightly concerned about her. Today I went back to every single Facebook thread where I said something along the lines of, well perhaps the is in an abusive relationship blah blah and said Never mind!! she can go FUCK herself!

I told Ivanka to “fuck off you feckless cunt” today,* and let me tell you...my friends who are most conservative and who hate that word WERE LIKING AND CHEERING IT ON THE MOST.

I was looking into visiting and many people happily advertise certain rooms or wings as the “slaves quarters”. I changed my plans.
