
Omg I was thinking he meant Danny Glover and was like, what?? No that’s not my main takeaway from the post but it did confuse me for a sec. (Whipepo get confused.)

If you guys really want your faces to melt off, go take a look at Breitbart’s comment section re: this story.

Get Out deserves ALLLL the awards this Oscar season. It was amazing. To those who think its a horror film, it’s not. I wouldn’t even know how to classify it, Jordan Peele created a new genre IMO.

YES!!! I recently met and fell in love with a wonderful man, we’re moving in together, I took a shot in the dark when I heard someone on a podcast saying they didn’t have representation and reached out to them and literally created my own little niche dream job, I’m healthy and happy and so are those I love...and yet.

Dude where have you BEEN?? I was ready to send out a St Bernard with one of those whiskey things around it’s neck. (Do those exist? Did I just make that up?) Anyway, I’ve missed you.

Speaking of names, I LOVE yours!

I realize this is not important but...his name is Tan France?

This gives me chills I am SO excited.

No that’s what makes you a good person. And I’m sure you are correct about Caitlyn. No real remorse there.

Anyone not following Gary Janetti on Instagram must begin immediately.

You’re right, I’m sure I don’t know everything. Also she has stopped drinking any alcohol which is of course a healthy thing to do but it also has made her completely clam up. It was always after a few glasses of wine she would start opening up to me. I have definitely told her that I fear for her and the children


Honestly these two are the only good celeb couple

I think you got your 6's and 9's reversed /:

I appreciate it, thank you. I’m trying /:

I am mortified to report that I watched every episode of Chachi’s douche laden reality show.

Thank you, I appreciate your insight and kind words.

I think it’s Hope Hicks (based on absolutely nothing except when Michael Wolff said he was having an affair I was like, oh then it’s definitely Hope Hicks)

His wife passed away from breast cancer leaving him with two kids, my friend had one child from a relationship (not marriage) and they have one baby together.

Strangely, she even set up a secret bank account, started looking into apartments and making secret plans to leave. But then he sent her an email from work very reasonably bringing up the idea of a separation. That they clearly weren’t happy. Sell the house, both would walk away with some money and they could get on