
Hey communist go back from whence ye came. Negligent discharges happen everyday to people who handle firearms for a living, like professional soldiers and cops, and to careful and considerate gun owners then to the other end of the spectrum random people who maybe handle their firearms more than they should. That

Your quote isn’t anywhere to be found in the above comments because no one said that or anything close. What was said was that if you are active on the internet you have to and should be expecting to deal with bullshit from trolls. That’s the truth and we all know it. To say otherwise or to twist what was said to for

You aren’t familiar with any of our former Presidents obviously.

People who proclaim high intelligence on the internet generally aren’t as sharp as they think they are...

Yeahhim ramping up drone strikes that killed thousands of innocent people including children is definitely not controversial...

So it takes all day to send out a couple of Tweets? Wow I didn’t know that. 

Looks like Obama can’t either considering his feet are flat on the floor and right next to each other. 

Yeah because you don’t have to have any intelligence at all to make the kind of money Trump has...I’m no Trump fan but calling the man stupid is just disingenuous. 

Remember when that same president dramatically ramped up drone strikes overseas which in turn caused the deaths of countless innocent people including children? 

It appears that this comment section, date I say this publication is geared towards and caters to whiny, sad sack, fun ruining cry babies. Oh and wrong think comments get removed and the commentor gets banned. What happened to the first amendment, especially when it comes to journalism publications? The left

Git gud. QQ less. 

They do the exact same thing in BO4 and have since the beta. Each consecutive jump after the first is cut by 1/3 the height of the jump before   Complain less and play more. 

Stop trying to ruin a perfectly acceptable play style. Adapt or gtfo. QQ less. 

You sound salty. I’m 40 and I rekk whiny players like you. 

Blops games aren’t remotely realistic or even meant to be. End of story. 

Well your opinion is completely wrong. There’s even a button layout that  caters to this style of play. This is a fast paced arcade shooter. Learn to not be slow and clunky. 

Actually each consecutive jump after the first is cut by 1/3 and has been since the beta. This is an arcade type shooter. It’s meant to be fast paced with advanced movements. If you can’t hang then go play a slower paced game instead of trying to ruin it for everyone else. 

Battlefield and CoD are two completely different style games. If you want to play Battlefield then shove off and stop trying to ruin my game because you’re bad at it. 

I turned 40 yesterday. I suffered a traumatic brain injury in Afghanistan a couple years ago so I’m nowhere near as good at playing CoD games as I used to be. That being said, even I have adapted to the b-hop fighting style. B-hop or git rekt. QQ less. 

I’m not a Trump fan but you’re a dumbass.