
No, but as long as she didn't, y'know, try and shoot the fucking trooper, she could have pinned the shotgun on Emmit, say that he had the gun and so she pulled over to stop him from losing it, or some mumbo jumbo to get both of them to the police station. After all, the cop didn't think highly of Emmit and was very

It's still a recurring nightmare of mine!

"Fuck me like we fucked Bin Laden"

I wonder if the Force for Change Omaze winner has already shot its "exclusive role!" in the movie, or will now have to wander around the set actively trying to remind the new director of the contest prize.

Hey, hey! It looks as if your scene is slogging! Do you want me to make a "funny, youth, edgy" comment?

Ezra Miller's Barry will have to carry on being the Clippy of the DCEU…

*pre-orders the Unrated Director's Cut on Amazon*

I think it'll all boil down to post-production, where maybe the DGA will check the final cut to see which percentage of footage of which director is bigger to give the top billing. Though I'm sure that Disney won't redo the whole film, so Lord/Miller will get directing credit as well, possibly a "New Director and Phil

But Clones gave us the great "I hate sand" line! That has to make up for something!
Also, it was unwatchable shit, but at least it was original unwatchable shit. Still, I'd put TFA over it if I had to make up a hypotetical list… just not that far up.

Now that's better! Rogue One thanks you, well all the dead characters' force ghosts thank you.

And it'll be 90% sexy sax solos and random Riker quotes.

But saying that it's better than Force Awakens is like saying it's better than Attack of the Clones! Of course it'll be!
Would you say Rogue One is somewhere near the quality of the first three? Even if not, comparing it to those wouldn't be such a disservice to the poor movie.

He'll probably quit somewhere 'round week 4 after the execs tell him he can't have Rey snatched away by some Starraptors and thrown into the Nu Sarlaac Pit for the shits and giggles.

Depends on how far the "creative differences" were. If the movie needs extensive reshoots that will overlap Lord/Miller's, it would be a big role for the director, and it'll be most likely top billing.

When the movie inevitably premieres, I'm sure all the reporters/talk show hosts ever will ask them about the director switch, but I'm sure no one will actually mention other than a variation of what's on the press release.

*pours one out for the great, underrated Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist*

Don't forget the adding of an interesting female character, only to add her a stupid backstory which immediately makes her overpowered, therefore she must end up fridged ASAP. Oh, but we have tapes!

Aidan was super lovely on Being Human, as much as the show verged on way too melodramatic stuff for my taste sometimes!

"So, we had to kill off a character on season 2, of course a female one, and Sara was being rated very well with the fans, so fuck you if you liked Veronica"
- Prison Break creator Paul Scheuring, at some point

I really liked The Losers, too bad it didn't start a franchise just like everything else she did post-that.
Yes, I also want a Crossroads franchise.