I like C-Tates too, mostly in comedy, and I was genuinely shocked he wasn't number one here today. Hopefully his role on Kingsman puts him back in the spotlight, he seems like a genuinely cool dude.
I like C-Tates too, mostly in comedy, and I was genuinely shocked he wasn't number one here today. Hopefully his role on Kingsman puts him back in the spotlight, he seems like a genuinely cool dude.
It was quite depressing that he didn't quote Freddie Mercury. After all, this is the guy that supposedly has Freddie's ashes stored somewhere.
You don't get it, he just reloaded from whatever secret bullet chamber the gun had in its very limited space. It's a yemeni thing.
Even when it was revealed it was all a play I loved Michael's disdainful "Are you high?". The voice tone and pose were very Leonard Snart.
I don't know what does this say of me, but in college our Lit professor made us read Philosophy in the Bedroom, and I was the only one who read it not only once but twice, everyone else got "too grossed out" to even finish it the first time.
Uh oh, C-Tates's IMDB rating is falling! Quick, put him as the buff but cool dude starring in some action movie!*
*I said starring, I barely noticed him on the Kingsman 2 trailer, so he appeared briefly or I was too hung up on Taron Egerton.
I agree, and I think it would be better if they chopped out the "oooh I'm so smart" or "breaking out of prison means family" nonsense and just went right off to actiony shenanigans for the entire season. I want to keep watching Whip surprise stabbing people!
They're getting quite prosaic with their titles, episode 6 is titled "Phaeacia", as the last destination of Odysseus's journey, right after his visit to Ogygia (as, you know, the prison Michael was until this episode).
Welcome to another edition of Prison Break Season 5 Random Observations/semi-review!: S5E04: "The Prisoner's Dilemma"
I'm still waiting for the Trains movie, so that there can be a Big Event Sequel called Planes, Trains, and fucking Cars.
It's gonna be the final hours of Anna and Elsa's parents, fearing for their lives and drowning during a storm. Disney thinks it's time for kids to grow the fuck up.
To cheer myself up, I usually try to recreate (verbally) the Hux Big Speech, complete with that weird lisp he gave the character. It's a really funny thing to do, if you ignore the fact that it's about genocide, basically.
So there is… um… fan fiction? About Hux, eh? Huh, I could never imagine myself reading that…
Also today: new Prison Break! S5E04: "The Prisoner's Dilemma".
"Michael must make a difficult choice when he feels he has run out of options."
So today on IMDB News I read "Domhnall Gleeson and Lenny Abrahamson's new project gets funding" and I think I shed a tear of excitement at that.
I mean, I loved the combo they made on Frank and I can't wait to see the surely great nonsense they'll pull, but to be wholly honest, the movie could be Domhnall reading the…
"Hell" wasn't an accepted answer?
Oh come on, that can't be true! What's next, a Mission Impossible movie?!?!?
Both are the same kind of weird but lovely end-of-90's movies. Galaxy Quest got more of a cult following, but I don't see many retrospects on Mystery, which is a shame.
It's Convicted Felon Dinesh D'Souza, IMDB.
I love that movie way more than pretty much everyone!
"Lance Hunt wears glasses, Captain Amazing doesn't wear glasses!"