
But the guns were there to protect Norton and Stumbo from the notoriously violent Pokémon fans.

Just another example of the liberal media doing its best to strip Americans of their God-given Second Amendment rights in order to pave the way for a Clinton-run dictatorship.

Learned more than just about bugs or burning man in that article: I had never before seen or heard the word catholic with a little “c”. Hard to imagine using it that way in speaking without confusing almost anybody listening.

Everyone whogets this joke and knows where it came from may remain on my lawn.

So that’s why dogs are always sniffing anises.

This entitled housewife looks back at her impressionable child and calmly says “She is yelling because that girl deserves it, the service is terrible every time we come here.” And then she looked me straight in the eyes.

“Do you see how different this strip is from the one in 1955?”

It’s sickening and sad to see Madonna post that picture. The things that man did to her are horrific and it appalls me the way so many people have shrugged it off or forgotten about it. As always, fuck Sean Penn.

Make sure you ask about insurance coverage, I’ve gotten some really cheap quotes before, and when I ask about them being insured, they always say “I’ve never had an accident”. Pay more to get the insured guy!

I don’t know, the strip clubs in Portland are pretty good.

I. CAN. NOT. WAIT. I’ll still be thinking of Yul though,

I read a thing by a former cop awhile back where he said that 15% of cops will always do the right thing, 15% will always do the wrong thing, and the rest just follow their partner’s lead. Depressing as fuck.

“Their black Labrador retriever was found slain in a ditch 15 miles from their home.”

He’s obviously just a Dead Kennedys fan.

Only if there is tiramisu for desert

Nice of him to buy the sheep dinner before he fucked it - that’s class!

Ehhhh, calling it a “tribal affiliation” is demeaning to those of us who have actual tribal affiliations.

And/or social anxiety.

also depression

I will defend 50 First Dates until the day I die. I think it’s an incredibly sweet movie, and I cry at the end every time. It’s the only Sandler film I own.