The worst thing about it is that's...not really even a good set of kitchen basics. Or a halfway decent one. Or even a half-assed one.
She helped a lot of women, and became quite prominent in her community. Her status even ended up getting her husband a job working for the city. While watching the HBO documentary series about Sinatra, I was thinking “They need to make a documentary about his mom!”
Who the hell is giving her solid food anyways?
MY BABY DOES THE SAME THING! I cannot wait until he grows out of the phase where everything goes in his mouth.
Or this is just some cover for a weird science thing where all the boys get together to make Kelly LeBrock.
I agree with all of these except the weather! I know everyone thinks it’s gauche to talk about the weather, but it’s the great equalizer. “It’s so fucking hot right now I just want to wring out my boob sweat into a wading pool filled with ice and jump in” is the kind of conversation everyone can relate to.
It sounds like they’re claiming that the overpricing actually happened at the register - like how if yellow onions are 99cents a pound and white onions are 95cents, and I brought white onions to the register but the cashier charged me for yellow onions. Which may be what happened, I haven’t been following this story…
In all fairness, maybe the dolphin didn’t do it on porpoise.
Because she might actually have not-weird, non-creepy feelings about their breakup and doesn't feel the need to exploit both the pain and eventual acceptance of their breakup. Unlike Robin.
I have a bird feeder. About twice a week I fill up said feeder with seed. Birds gorge themselves sloppily, allowing the feed to drop on the ground. Squirrels and chipmunks eat what falls to the bottom. Hence, while sitting on my porch, I like to observe the symbiotic relationship I have created by feeding birds, who,…
“This is something you need to understand: Your cat doesn’t need you. It was fine before you came along, it’ll be fine if you leave, and even when you’re around, it’s got other stuff going on.”
Replace the word “cat” with “girlfriend” and you have my life.
I know they are all adults now but that still sound wildly inappropriate.
Ok I’m a boy, well, I’m a 26 year old man but I WAS a boy & seriously?! Go fuck yourselves! I knew an incredible girl in HS (I-n-c-r-e-d-i-b-l-e) she’s my 1 who got away (my fault, not hers) & for whatever reason she saw fit to give me a naked picture. I was as drunk, high, horny, & entitled as ANY guy who ever lived…
I did a couple of years in prison for drug stuff. You would think that walking out of the prison a free man was the most liberating feeling I have ever had. Incorrect. The most liberated I have ever felt is when, after 6 years of doing some combination of all of these things listed EVERY TIME I DROVE THE CAR, I…
That's what I always figured. I planned my friend's bachelorette party, and she gave me a guest list of 30 people! And I was like, "Great 30 drunk people who all want to pay with separate cards. The restaurant is gonna LOVE us."