
...and you wonder why Kotaku is blacklisted.

Apparently Houston winning a championship is such a rarity that the security guards mistook raucous celebration for rioting.

No sympathy for Kotaku.

Racism is deeply ingrained in American culture and that is something that won’t change without a distasteful amount of bloodshed.

Read older stories and now i’m terrified.

I really enjoy Payday 2 but I can’t play it anymore. Too much DLC that totals more than double the launch price of the game and now this?!

Going to be awkward next year when the social experiment “Elect a Republican” launches and they have to switch back to desert shades.

That region really needs dictators, it’s far too volatile for a democracy.

How to you propose he solve Syria issue then? Anyone with google could tell you Syria’s ties to Iran and Russia make it ironclad.

Gary Oldman must be related to Kevin Spacey, he gets so animated from the nose down but his eyes and forehead are as calm as a still body of water.

It’s pretty hard to beat performing an appendectomy on yourself at a research base in Antarctica.

This information would be really helpful if it was included in any of the articles related to this nonsense.

“By the time we realized there was a shooting the SWAT had arrived and we didn’t want to be mistaken for ‘Bad Guys’ so we just hid in a classroom.”

These serial series from Gawker media are fantastic! 500 days of Kristin and now day 137 of 500 days of Cop Horror.

When Mom and Dad told Billy and Sarah that they had seats behind the dugout they couldn’t have imagined the miracle they would see that day.

I support Developers over voice actors.

Can’t deny ISIS is a catchy name.

So why can’t we just give Russia to Syria in return for lessening sanctions. Russia stabilizes Syria and blows the military load it’s been saving for decades calming them down. Syria stabilizes and migrants can return, EU is happy. America doesn’t have to put troops on the ground, Americans are happy. Lastly the world

“Daesh” is the PC name of ISIS ISIL IS etc, non-affiliated Muslims tend take offense when you reference the group as the Islamic State

Thanks for this article.