
Her biggest financial mistake pales in comparison to her ruining 98 degrees.

Man fuck Fast & Loud

Yep we’re done here, wrap it up folks the show is over.

God forbid we teach children that some of our ancestors were dicks, their fragile minds couldn’t handle the shocking truth!

I don’t really get a sense of character at all from this trailer, hell the fireteam from Spartan Ops had more variety than these guys seem to offer.

Who cares? If there was evidence that the use of this private server jeopardized American lives then she’d be strung up in a tree by now (figuratively speaking). China and Russia hacked us hardcore to little reaction but Hilary using a server that wasn’t compromised is somehow terrifying everyone.

Gawker also only picked up this story when the journalists got tied to ISIS and not when they were originally detained days ago. At least Jezebel changed the clipart and got a comment, the piece on Gawker is a cut and paste copy of the BBC article they linked in an update.

I agree, goes in for a hit, gets pushed from behind, puts hand down to brace himself and Rivers grabs his arm. If that was intentional then he has some Matrix level reflexes.

How could all Americans be rapist frat boys when the rest of the world already knows we’re uncultured, uneducated, loudmouth warmongers hell bent on policing the world.

That’s just assuming law abiding gun owners WOULD turn in their guns.

I replied to an idiot in chat during a Hero League match.

While I feel it would be interesting to see, the odds of having a civil conversation with the GOP’ers and not having them bluster and decry the interview as the “liberal media ambush journalism” are astronomical.

Nothing to see here, move along.

Flak jacket weight and a faulty life preserver resulted in someone drowning, the Osprey wasn’t holding him underwater spitefully...

She put a little too much english on that one.

Michael Jordan in Space Jam

I’m fairly certain the Amazon isn’t actually a character but a skin for Nova. It was shown briefly in the launch trailer. Amazon Nova.

I like Dragon Shire because it forces you to split up your team (in most cases) and work in pairs to hold the points instead of having wandering teamfights all over a map.

They showed off the model of the Skeleton King at the last Blizzcon so that’s probably in the pipes.

Murky “rides” mounts by hanging on for dear life, it doesn’t really work when the mount isn’t moving.