
My first 50-miler, when I got to mile 45 I burst into tears & had to stop to cry for a minute. The thought of doing 5 more miles was hell, even though it was basically nothing

My beagle mix ate 15 Clif bars & an entire package of Twizzlers (left all the wrappers). Had straight red liquid poop for days, was otherwise fine.

this is the correct way to shower

grey squirrel. fitting since my friends say I look like one (hence the name).

ohh thanks for those almay pads! I myself am a raccoon eyeliner person and no matter what, I always wake up the next morning with somehow more leftover eyeliner on that I swear was gone the night before

ohh thanks for those almay pads! I myself am a raccoon eyeliner person and no matter what, I always wake up the next