
Political correctness running rampant again. I’m getting so tired of everyone having to explicitly write all-inclusive paragraphs to avoid being portrayed as terrible people.

I don’t like the holograms around the battlefield being the only way to get a vehicle.. Or that you can’t change your class.

It was fun for about 1 hour...they nailed the star wars visuals and sounds, but that’s it...

My biggest issue is it still just feels like Battlefield...
“It’s not Battlefield!” ... Yeah, I don’t know about that...

FWIW, you can thank yourself (not blaming you specifically, the entirety of games journalism) for making it so underwhelming. If it wasn’t constantly reported on, with multiple articles devoted strictly to the mythos of it, and tying literally every “secret” thrown at us in The Taken King to it... it wouldn’t be so

Another difference is that Colbert is actually funny.

I really enjoyed Mad Max, and had a great time playing around with the photo mode. I ended up making a series of Wasteland postcards, trying to make them look aged like all the artifacts and stuff you find throughout the world. All were taken with the in-game photo mode.

*financiers on the phone*

“When’s the new product shipping”

*looks at broken pile of spaghetti code*

“Umm, tomorrow! Its a meta game about games!”

Because a talking fox, falcon, and wolf are completely different right?

Nope. I just got called stupid for reporting a moving cardboard box. Don’t even see that smoking jeep, don’t notice it. Someone else’s problem.

I hate these so much...

So this is it, this is how Western civilization crumbles.

“This is not a cosplay. It’s not a statue. It’s art. Fantastic art.”