Don't like how the United States of America turned out? Go on, build your own then
Don't like how the United States of America turned out? Go on, build your own then
It warms my heart when people wise up and stop accepting shit posts. Keep calling Kotaku out on it, guys!
Slow day?
That’s ... not an easter egg.
Batman: Arkham Knight is in the running for the most disturbing Batman story ever told. But it doesn’t get there…
Well, looks like I just found a new website to troll. =P
That was remarkably dull.
As long as they keep Pool Nation FX up there longer for free! They should keep that up there forever! Best Xbox One game EVER!
But “exclusive” is a joke on Xbox One, so we can just wait a little while and play it on PC.
Poor Anakin...
It was not a bug, and any purple engrams you had before they changed, not fixed, the issue would decrypt blue.
Did you just read the headline... maybe the first paragraph... and then come down here to comment? The actual complaint is all spelled out up there.
It was very much not a bug. It was a deliberate feature, presumably dreamed up after a night of heavy drinking. Took them a long time to decide to change it.
The lack of items and the shared XP are huge reasons why i’ll play HOTS and not League or Dota.
Both Xenoblade and Fire Emblem X SMT are very niche-y titles. They need all the hype they can get so Nintendo can make a good return on a series of games that have more cult/niche followings. As far as Zelda goes, showing any footage of Zelda will make people go nuts so that was just an ego boosting moment, personally…
“It’s a shame the shadow of consoles is still influencing crap ports for PC.”
I wonder if the constant sequeling will ruin the legacy of Demon’s Souls/Dark Souls 1. Because they were a hit because they were revolutionary. If we are on to DS4 or 5, when does it just become a hard video game with a minimalist (if uneven) story and a drab sense of decorum.
And fired the chef.
The Destiny smartphone app does the exact same thing though, I’m struggling to see how doing it on a computer is any more convenient than just using the app. Am I missing something here?