I... notice that Blanka and Guile’s flags just say their countries, but the others have their names by the flags.
I... notice that Blanka and Guile’s flags just say their countries, but the others have their names by the flags.
I guess they’re banking on not having to tackle keyboard and mouse units.
I wish that Game of the Year actually meant something.
“You can play as a woman, 10/10” -Kotaku
No multiplayer? Hallelujah.
Do moar pointless polls!
Really? A remastering is out of ideas to you?
I wonder if the contractors got sacked for it
I thought it was quite ballsy of them.
I feel the players got the shaft on this one
What a dick move
M.E. We wanted the Weekly Heroics to be a challenge that pushed you and your buddies, but what we observed was that these strikes don't demand the same cooperation of a cohesive pre-made group. The overwhelming community response was such that many players didn't have the numbers on their friends list to experience…
Psh, steam achievements. PSN trophies are the REAL indicator of true gaming skillz.
I was expecting you to go with this one...
Bummed they didn't call it Total Warhammer.
Because its not 2005 anymore?
So are we going to start seeing a logo on games that says " Better withOUT Kinect"?
Assumptions, good to know that's all you've got and what kind of person you are.