This has more plot than the original Destiny storyline.
Ugh, I knew the Master Chief Collection was going to screw up the canon.
I usually play games "Fight Club" style. I'd like to tell you more, but I've already said too much.
If the Portal gun has the power to skip past load screens, it should be in all games.
This is Grand Theft Auto 5. This game means that after various sex acts, players are given options to kill women by punching her unconscious, killing with a machete, bat or guns to get their money returned.
This is one of my favourite flying animal videos;
God Telltale needs a new engine ASAP.
1000000. Azshara (Pre-Cataclysm)
"Adam Sandler's movies are always great." That alone should get him put on a watch list.
YES YES YES. I love Horde Mode.
You mean I might actually play the copy of Titanfall I haven't used since 2 weeks after launch?! All rightttt.
The GTA 5 girl doesn't look anything like a washed up cokehead celebrity trying to remain relevant.