
Pretty much all of the land in this country was stolen from my people, so maybe just no more weddings.

If you are still on avclub and happen upon this reply, where can I watch your documentary?

Depending on perspective?

You should take a chill pill.

The introduction of the bull currently has me crying with laughter. That is some good shit right there.

Yeah but think of all the cultural vocabulary you got as a kid because of it.

This is the funniest goddamn thing I’ve seen today

You sound like a dick, though maybe that has always been your goal.

I didn’t watch Under the Dome so maybe I’m being naive but I am very excited to see Brian K is writing this. I really love Saga. No idea if it’ll translate to a live-action Gundam movie but here’s hoping.

Oh no...I buy my work shoes there. And always in the middle of the day when my previous pair falls apart at work. This actually sucks

Sabrina is so great and so rough. Bought it when I read this article. Good call

Really? You really think this could hurt a presidential campaign if she were to run? Who is our president, again? And if you would let it affect your support in the case she did run, shame on you. It was misguided, it was dumb, but I’m native and I think she cares about people, including native people, not that

Ooooooooooooooo this is exciting! 

It’s always weird hear how big of a bomb this was and actively hated by critics. I was a kid when it came out and it has always been one of my favorite comedies.

This won’t end well - title of your sex tape

It will always be faculty


you just don’t “get it,” maaaaaaaaaaaaan

Excuse me? Are you trying to say all of my english major friends would have an unread book on their shelf just to look smart?

Maybe they’re all fables to the effect of, “if you’re going to be an asshole, you had better be good at something.”