Whiskey in the Shade

Porn is free stolen from sex workers that make it and spread around the internet because people can’t be assed to pay for their porn.

They can totally play up her Iranian side, as she seems very proud of her culture. Considering the negative stereotype of anyone from the Middle East that exists, its a nice move for ABC to showcase Jojo, the Southern Gal with a twist.

Let me break it down: she’s hot, she seems cool/self aware, her mom is a rockstar, her brothers are perfectly crazy, the type of guys cast for this show will actually want to date her, and she had nice boobs.

Chris Pratt doesn’t do it for me. Part of Seth Rogans appeal is that he is chubby. Chris Pratt got all...buff.

Guys. GUYS. Usually it doesn’t bother me that North Americans drop the “fruit” from kiwifruit, but this headline did make my skin crawl.

I’d vote but there wasn’t a “No, because I was heavily traumatized less than one minute into the trailer when that potato got skinned alive” option.

I love how the women leads bring on the excitement though. They make bold decisions, they go after what they want, and they seem more real than the guys. Chris, Ben were so disappointing. I don’t find them 100% sincere. This is why I enjoy the Bachelorette much more. And sometimes they pick really cool guys. Can’t

hello fellow lurker! It is definitely the least creepy of the gw subreddits. As hokey as it sounds, it really is the community-type feel that makes it seem so. It’s lovely that this outlet is there for those of us who prefer to express ourselves aurally.

Whatever happened to good ole family value masturbation? You know jerking it to the sears catalog hoping for sexy cotton panty shots. Back in my day we had to work for an erection god damn it!

Well yes, that’s what I’m saying. If they know about the comments about Ivanka and that doesn’t put them off of him - can you imagine if Obama made remarks about how bangable he finds his children? - then, IMO, it’s because they perceive this as just another example of him being brave and honest. Just like when he’s

I absolutely don’t think that young girls being abused is a new phenomenon. I didn’t say anything about it being new. Thanks for trying though.

I actually feel like this is neat, it’s a safer way imo for people to act out taboos. If I am understanding this correctly they are just recreating the sounds and not actually performing the acts? Sort of like old radio shows? Kinda neat actually like next level phone sex operator.

my mom wanted to set up some kind of weird baby making room the night of our wedding

Just seems like the “Text with Audio” section of Literotica, which has been around for more years than I care to think about.

Welcome Luke. Who the fuck ARE you? Nevermind. We-who-have-nothing-better-to-do will read you. Then forget you. This your first gig, eh?

It always makes me sad when outsiders come into a pure art form like pornography and try to commercialize it.

I’m sorry that that happened to you, and I hope that you’ve found happiness and peace. How fucking awful.

I am so tired of defending myself to you and everyone else in this thread. I am not saying that most men do this. I’m not saying that the behavior in question is normal or healthy. I never accused you or any other man who is sharing his outrage in this thread of being a child sexual abuser. I’m just saying that the

LOL yeah. My mom told me I didn’t have to fit into my (skin tight trumpet wedding dress) and could start trying to have kids right away. My sister is getting married early next year and they plan to have kids soon after so hopefully that tempers her grandchild fever lol

Having suffered years of sexual abuse from my own father and being too afraid to tell anyone, the fact that this young woman had the strength to tell a trusted adult speaks VOLUMES about her. I wish I could hug her and tell her how brave she is.