Whiskey in the Shade

Good thanks. It’s 2016 here already and so hot I’m melting.

Hi Snack, how are you? Happy New Year!

Please ungrey me Mark :)

Punching is the best

Why do I get out of bed - I only have to get back in at night!? Oh shit I've been doing life all wrong

Do you get no enjoyment at all from doing things (like working out or cooking)? Or only if you have some tangible result?

I'm not in on any American white people codes. And no - I felt pissed off that an abusive man was being defended when he violently beat a woman. That's it.

Your rant sure sounded that way - if it wasn't your intention to defend him I apologize

Agreed - (I was referring to the op's comment not yours)

I think the media coverage is great - and that we need to get the outrage to this level when white celebs beat women not try to defend a fucking violent misogynist just cause he's black.

I'm loving the way you guys are flipping the script today <3

You realise the victim is also black? Where's all your outrage about what happened to her? And about the disproportionate amount of domestic and systemic violence that black women suffer?

Pretending to be a Christian for the past seventeen years. There's just no right moment to tell your loving parents, grandparents and extended family that you're going to burn in hell for all eternity.

You win

Is that the dude's wife next to him?

That whole interview was nuts. Kanye (worth $100 mil) seems completely obsessed with fighting "elitism". Surreal.

Tell me more please!

Agree - I like gritty realism and squalor in my dirty pics