Whiskey in the Shade

I don't know - where I live it's extremely rare for people to tag cats or keep them inside (actually I have never known a single person who does this) so it's normal for me to have all kinds of neighborhood cats playing in my yard. If they're starving it's fairly easy to tell - they will be very bony and eat anything.

Coming from a country where abortion is free and available to girls of any age without parental consent needed - I find these kinds of stories confusing and horrifying.

Was I reading wrong or was the point made that one cannot attempt to defend themselves or educate the people around them unless one is male? O.O

Blasphemy! Harry Styles' hair smells like camp fires on summer nights and freshly baked bread and rainbows. And this is what Harry looks like.

That's awesome - voted

Are you seriously the one and only sane commenter on this entire fucked up thread? O.O

Add to it!

Yeah it should! I wrote it in a hurry as I was on my way out and I knew there was a better word that should go there

Aww thanks :)

Yeah I don't think that girl's series is complete. They forgot

What an awesome woman - I love this <3

That seems.................inappropriate?

OH MY GOD that is the CUTEST THING I have EVER SEEN!!!! His tongue!!!!! His EYE!! omg

Feminazi paper dolls ftw!

Oh my god that is terrible. And awesome.

You are welcome


It's "hot bearded guy" that is all we know. It remains a mystery.
