Kellyanne Conjob

Replying to myself for anybody that needs clarification of my point.

When abortion is not affordable or practically accessible, it ISN’T a choice. Something tells me that you’ve never had to pull $3000 out of your ass and take off work from a job that will fire you if you do so.

Turn about is fair play:

I do not know how this person got out of the greys. It’s baffling.

For guns, right? Oh wait, that’s too reasonable.

As noted above, the three day rule puts a huge undue burden on women in geographically large states that have a tendency of limiting the amount of abortion clinics. Samantha Bee ran a story on it last year, but the basic gist is:

They did this same sort of shit in Texas and WHADDYA KNOW? A whole bunch of clinics shut down because they couldn’t afford to comply with the bullshit laws that have nothing to do with “health” and everything to do with making a clinic too expensive to operate. Also, the teen abortion rate skyrocketed, maternal

Three day waiting period.

Despite the veil of false naivete, your opinions are showing.

common sense, pal. when you come in here and demand everything be explained to you like you’re five without doing any legwork, people get pissy, as they should.

My state has one clinic too, so it’s easy to wrap my head around it. They want to make sure that anyone who doesn’t live within a couple of hours of that clinic and isn’t rich is completely unable to access it, which makes this even more evil.

Shut up with your disingenuous bullshit. You’re missing a fucking heart.

Do you ever feel like our country would be better and saner if we broke off in to two to four countries? Basically let each of the 50 states hold constitutional conventions that decides how you want to be on guns, gays, abortion, taxes, education, global warming, military spending, etc and let those states form their

Oh here’s the back story, apparently:

Current Missourian here. I want you all to wrap your heads around the fact that they spent a significant amount of time and money working on this legislation to control the ONE abortion clinic left in the state. One. ONE.

Dump hasn’t faced one thing, not one, that he hasn’t brought on himself. I feel sorry for Barron but no one else in that clown car.

And when they say that “they had to endure 8 years of Obama,” I always ask them to be specific about WHAT the Obamas did to them... because it usually boils down to the complainer not liking the Obamas for (ahem) SOME mysterious reason.

HOW does someone draw that shit on their face and think “nailed it. Let’s get this day STARTED.” And walk out the door. With fucking long division for eyebrows

Good thing we’ll never be as sad as that lady’s eyebrows(?).

The Obamas faced so much racism. Poor Mchelle had to face so much racism and sexism. It was awful. That’s why I sideeye when people complain about what Trump has had to face. He even engaged in harassing Obama with his birthism. Even now, he blames Obama for stuff he caused to himself.