Like Nancy Pelosi’s comment about Spicer resigning, “I don’t care.” Beautiful.
Like Nancy Pelosi’s comment about Spicer resigning, “I don’t care.” Beautiful.
Resting snitch face, you could say.
She doesn’t have to apologize. She’s pretty popular on her home state IIRC and one of the most popular Senators in the country. and I can’t imagine that Republicans in Maine are going to side with a sociopath who thinks that she should be shot.
If it were me I’d shrug and be all “Yep, I said it. And I meant it.” and then throw on some “deal with it” glasses and walk off.
“Yeah, I’m SOOOOOO SORRY for saying a Goddamn lunatic is rampaging around the White House and his toadies are challenging me to fucking DUELS. Boo hoo hoooooo, SOOOOO SORRY. Shut the FUCK UP, you morons, and stand back while I do my FUCKING job and try to rescue some shred of this country from the flames.”
But they absolutely will. You know that, I know that, the world knows that. How sweet would it be if she responded with, “It’s just locker room talk.”
Not that it’s even worth pointing out hypocrisy anymore but it’d be insanely hypocritical of republicans to blast her for these comments as they’re EXACTLY the type of comments Trump makes about women’s appearances all the time— and not just when he’s caught on hot mic.
I would go with “He challenged me to a duel. I accepted. He lost.”
“If senator TubbyDucks would like to resolve this matter, he’s free to cash me ousside.”
Susan, Susan, Susan.....face it—-these are not your people. If you can’t face being a Democrat, team up with Angus and Bernie and be an Independent.
I look forward to the tepid non-apology apology from Collins and the conservative media burning her in effigy.
He can give the APPEARANCE of taking charge in a big-manly-man way, which is all he wants & needs to do. That’s enough to appease Dolt-45 and all of his Trumpanzees.
No, sorry, that was last week’s plan. This week’s plan is to repeal and replace morale.
Resting snitch face?
“Beatings will continue till morale improves”
Well, there was that one time when Spicer had a closed door meeting with all comms staffers and told them they need to stop leaking...only for the meeting and what was said to be leaked to the press by multiple individuals within 30 minutes or so.
yeah because no one will be bitter after they are fired and take their salty ass straight to the press
Unless Scaramucci can fire Conway, Bannon, Priebus, Kushner, and Trump himself, you’ve got nothing to worry about. They’re all leaking things about each other to curry favor with Trump, and Trump is leaking shit about himself because his ego is constantly fed by having his name in the papers. Hell, it wouldn’t…
I hear mass layoffs are a great way to boost morale and keep staff from talking to media sources.
what does that leave wall-eyed HucksterBee?