lol you mean the principles of “Hey, the ladies will vote for me because I picked Sarah Palin and they are mad that Hillary did not get the nomination, because all they care about is a matching set of reproductive organs?”
lol you mean the principles of “Hey, the ladies will vote for me because I picked Sarah Palin and they are mad that Hillary did not get the nomination, because all they care about is a matching set of reproductive organs?”
I can’t even, a guy with actual Brain Damage is going to vote to end one of the most successful programs to insure the poor since Medicare. Please God, let me be wrong about this.
I swear, these “war hero, principled man” people have never bothered to follow the man’s life and career.
His cancer has a survival rate of 3%. He won’t run again because he won’t be alive to do so.
Yup! Politics is no longer about serving the people, but serving your own selfish interests at the cost of the people.
Show that you are a maverick.
Forget running again. He just got reelected so there’s no way he’s making it to his next election. With a glioblastoma he’ll be incredibly lucky if he lives to see the midterm elections in 2018. Almost nobody with this type of cancer is alive five years later, especially not an 80-year-old man with whose already…
Agreed. It is mind boggling that a guy that probably should have gone to jail as one of the Keating Five is seen as The Moral Center of the Senate now.
John McCain never was a “Maverick”. He’s a corrupt GOP hack who only got labeled as such because he knew how to play the chummy press game better than anyone. He has always been petty and vindictive on a personal level, and there isn’t a core principal he wouldn’t abandon for his own gain.
I’m pretty certain someone out there in America has a brain tumor without free healthcare and a huge amount of debt but his party thinks that guy dying is totally ok. So Fuck McCain and his sociopathic party!!
I am afraid you are 100 percent correct. He is more than happy to deny to others what he receives on their dime.
Fuck John McCain.
He won’t vote no because why would he? Voting no is an endorsement of the man who beat him in the 2008 presidential election that was his last shot at the White House.
It’s nice that he’s going the extra mile to fuck a bunch of people over.
He could have voted no by staying home. He’s coming back to vote yes.
Nadsterical...I’m dying...
Right? This fucker is clearly nadsterical. Sounds like it’s time for an old school therapeutic lobotomy, paired with a calming castration.
He’s basically saying that it’s okay to shoot people you disagree with politically.
Someone get this man a midol, a hot toddy, and a pre-written resignation letter for him to sign.