Kellyanne Conjob

I couldn’t bear to watch United 93. Not because I thought it was in bad taste, I just can’t take it.

So it turns out there’s a whole bunch of texas that’s not Houston! Just fyi, I didn’t know either!

Her husband died of a heart attack and she stole my cat.

National Lampoon’s New York Vacation.

My aunt DECIDED to get married on September 11th. We all told her it was weird. Her husband died of a heart attack and she stole my cat. These are facts.

Former Gawker Editor and now NYT Op-Ed Contributor Erin Gloria Ryan had the best Spicey description: “None of [his replacements] could possibly convey the combination of chutzpah and shame Mr. Spicer embodied.”

Someone’s never seen The Producers.

You want to stand over that?

Sheen’s dealer?

Not shown: Spicer laughing hysterically, taking off his pants, running around the press room screaming and throwing Dippin’ Dots at reporters and slapping Huckabee Sanders across the face with a dead beaver while screaming “OUTTIE FIVE THOUSAND, BITCHAAAAAS!”, then plunging into the shrubbery, insisting it was “his

Sadism—it’s a well-recognized characteristic of malignant narcissists.

So I saw this on the TV at the gym today and the closed captioning literally read:
Anthony -scare emoji-


Well first Trump’s long time lawyer resigns, and now Spicey. I could see that Spicey was basically on the chopping block, when was the last time we saw him doing a briefing or anywhere? I think as more and more people see the Mueller investigation picking up steam, they are going to bounce. Mueller has the tax returns

Or is the ship really sinking now?!! :D

A series of tubes?

I’d go make a voting thing and we could have some fun, but it’s Sessions. Sessions is next.

So...Spicey didn’t resign because of the reason that’s being given, right? He’s just trying to get the hell out before it’s too late, I’m sure of it.

Tony S. looks like he’s abusing something.